Posts Tagged Rosenbauer ACP-55 at work

Still and Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 12-22-24 (more)

More about the Still and Box Alarm fire 12-22-24 from Eric Haak:

Here are a few images from a Still & Box alarm in Chicago on the evening of 12/22/24. The building was vacant and boarded up and had a fire in the basement. The interior was piled high with garbage which prompted a strictly defensive attack. The fire was brought under control with the use of four handlines, Tower Ladder 39, and Squad 5’s Snorkel.; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra; #Commander;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Eric Haak photo

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Still and Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 12-22-24

From Chi-Town Fire Photos:

This is from a Still & Box Alarm @ 5213 S Bishop on 12/22/24. Fire was in a vacant, boarded up 2.5-sty wood-frame. Engine 116 had heavy fire from the basement on arrival. A couple minutes in, Battalion 6 stated they were hitting it from the exterior of the building and they were having access problems. Shortly thereafter, Batt 6 pulled the box. They set up Tower 39 in the front of the building, and then set up Squad 5 Snorkel on the D side of the fire building in a vacant lot. Engine 116 had a bad hydrant, making Engine 123 go in-line with Engine 49 to feed them. Engine 50 also was led out with a 2.5” line in the rear, and was also feeding the snorkel.; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #night; #firefighters; #smoke;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55; #Cobra;

Chi-Town Fire Photos


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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 11-23-23

This from Eric Haak:

Just before sunrise on Thanksgiving morning, a fire broke out in the former Wing Hoe restaurant located in Chicago’s 9th Battalion. The structure was built as a private residence in 1913 and had been the Wing Hoe since 1971. It was currently vacant and scheduled for demolition. Companies had been drilling in the structure as recently as the day before. The building was a 2.5-story brick with a basement where the fire appeared to originate. Engine Company 83 made a valiant effort to get a line on it before it advanced, but with holes in the floor and being heavily charged with smoke, the decision was made to transition to a defensive attack.

I arrived as the box was being pulled and found very heavy smoke emanating from the entire structure. Engine Company 59 made entry from a safe POV through a rear door that accessed the basement and made some headway there but the fire extension was already advanced. A Snorkel, tower ladder, two RAMs, and several hand lines were used to bring this job under control.; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11Alarmfire; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55Cobra; #ChicagoFDSquad1A;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11Alarmfire; #FireTruck; #rosenbaueramerica; #ACP-55Cobra; #ChicagoFDSquad1A;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11Alarmfire; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #towerladder; ChicagoFDTowerLadder21;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11Alarmfire; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #towerladder; ChicagoFDTowerLadder21;

Eric Haak photo; #EricHaak; #ChicagoFD; #fire; #2-11Alarmfire; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator;

Eric Haak photo

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-2-21 (more)

More on the 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-2-21 from Eric Haak:

Here are some images of the April 2nd, 2-11 Alarm at 53rd and Laflin. This began as rear porches in the 2.5-story frame and quickly spread to the “B” side exposure.

2-11 alarm fire in Chicago

Eric Haak photo

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Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 12-28-19

This from Eric Haak:

Here are some images taken at Chicago’s second still and box alarm on Saturday morning (12/28). This came in at the same time that companies were working at the box on 48th Place. It was interesting to see Squad 1 working at 112th and State Street.

Firefighters working at night with hose line

Eric Haak photo

Firefighters working at night with hose line

Eric Haak photo

Rosenbauer Commander ACP-55 at work in Chicago

Eric Haak photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Eric Haak photo

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5-11 Alarm fire and Haz Mat Level 1 in Chicago, 4-2-19 (more)

This from Larry Shapiro:

I arrived at the 5-11 Alarm fire almost two hours into it. The warehouse buildings had already collapsed and though there was still quite a bit of smoke, the bulk of the fire had been knocked down already. Nevertheless, here is what it looked like from that point on.

Chicago FD Squad 2A Rosenbauer Commander ACP-55

Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago FD Engine 44

Larry Shapiro photo

massive flames from building fire

Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago FD Engine 35

Larry Shapiro photo

flooded street at scene of massive fire

Larry Shapiro photo

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Box Alarm fire in Des Plaines, 1-10-18 (more)

Three part video series by Larry Shapiro of the Box Alarm fire in Des Plaines, 1-10-18




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