From Momence fire protection district Facebook page:
Introducing the new Brush 95! Momence Fire took delivery of the new brush truck on Saturday, October 21st. The new brush truck was manufactured by 1st Attack Engineering Inc. in Indiana. Brush 95 is a 2017 Ford F-550 with a 300-gallon water tank, 350-GPM Darley fire pump, dual man-wells behind the cab and front spray nozzles.
This new unit replaces a nearly 20 year old Chevy 3500 that had a 250-gallon water tank and 200-GPM fire pump.
New Brush 95 meets current NFPA safety standards for brush/wild-land apparatus. Some features are a much greater ground clearance, front spray nozzles, “Man-Wells” for improved safety, Rigid scene lighting, 5-gallon foam cell with a Scotty inductor, and storage compartments with lighting.

Momence FPD Brush 95. 2017 Ford F550/ 1st Attack Engineering Inc. 350/300. Momence FPD photo

Momence FPD photo

Momence FPD photo
thanks Hunter