Archive for category New Fire Station

Construction update – Frankfort Station 4

Frankfort FPD Station 4

A recent photo of Frankfort Sta 4 getting the finishing touches prior to opening. Photo by Karl Klotz.

The Frankfort Fire Protection District is set to open Station 4 very soon. Located at Steger Road and 80th Avenue in Frankfort, the station is the same design as Frankfort Station 5.

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Division 1 construction updates

Work is progressing on the construction of the new fire stations in Wheeling and Mount Prospect as illustrated in the recent photos of both projects.

Wheeling Fire Station 24 construction

Wheeling Fire Station 24 as seen during the last week of March 2010. Photo by Larry Shapiro

Mount Prospect Fire Statin 14 construction

Mount Prospect Station 14 as seen during the last week of March 2010. Photo by Larry Shapiro

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Wheeling Construction update

Here is a delayed post showing the progress on Wheeling’s new Station 24 on Milwaukee Avenue. The new station which will become the fire department headquarters is due to open this spring. Originally, plans called for two new stations which would give Wheeling a total of three. This would have allowed them to vacate their current location at 255 W. Dundee Road (Station 24) which also houses fire administration. This facility used to combine the village hall in addition to the police department. The new village hall was completed last year and renovation for the updated and expanded police department has been underway. Budget constraints have halted plans for the third fire station that would have provided coverage to the northwest portions of Wheeling. Subsequently, the fire department will not be able to completely vacate the station on Dundee Road and will have to maintain a company there.

Wheeling Fire Station

Wheeling's new Station 24 on Milwaukee Avenue as seen in Mid-February. Photo by Larry Shapiro

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Division 1 construction updates

Here is an updated photo showing the progress of Wheeling (Division 1) Fire Station 24 being built on Milwaukee Avenue. The last construction photo was posted here.

Wheeling Fire Station 24 as seen on January 12, 2010. - Photo by Larry Shapiro

Here is a recent photo of Station 14 for Mount Prospect (Division 1) which is being built next to the current station #14 on Kensington Road. The previous update was posted here.

Mount Prospect Station 14 construction as of January 21, 2010. - Photo by Larry Shapiro

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Elmhurst Fire Department

Elmhurst Station 2 opened in September and was built on the property in front of the old Station #2. Although we do not have a photo showing both stations together, here is a shot of the new station. Elmhurst is in Division 12 and operates out of two stations.

Elmhurst Fire Station 2 at 601 S. York Road - Photo by Larry Shapiro

In other Elmhurst news, the fire department recently placed two new engines into service. These new rigs bring several changes to this department, the first of which is a move away from a fleet that was entirely EONE. Engines 1 and 2 are now 2009 1500 GPM Pierce Impel pumpers. The second significant change for Elmhurst is moving from their ‘traditional’ color scheme of white over yellow (a school bus golden yellow color) to white over red!

Engine 4 is an EONE Cyclone pumper with the 'traditional' Elmhurst color scheme and a distinctive double striping of dark green over white. - Photo by Larry Shapiro

Elmhurst Engine 1's new Pierce Impel 1500 GPM pumper sporting a white over red paint job and gold lettering. - Photo by Larry Shapiro

Elmhurst Engine 2 is identical to Engine 1. - Photo by Larry Shapiro

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Rolling Meadows FD updates

The Rolling Meadows Fire Department is expecting delivery next year of a new IHC/Medtec ambulance. They also have plans for a third fire station (Station 17) to be built in the future on Algonquin Road between Meadowbrook and Wilke Roads.

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Wheeling station 24 construction update

Wheeling is in the process of building a new headquarters station 24 on Milwaukee Avenue between Dundee Road and Hintz Road. The police department is anticipating expanding into the entire facility at 255 W. Dundee Road that formerly housed the village hall in addition to police and fire. The village offices moved out earlier this year into a new facility. It is unclear when the fire department will be able to totally vacate the space though due to longer anticipated response times to the north west portion of their district.  A projected third station to cover that area has not yet been settled on.

Artist rendering of Wheeling''s new headquarters station 24

Artist rendering of Wheeling''s new headquarters station 24

Wheeling headquarters station under construction on Milwaukee Avenue - 11-1-09

Wheeling headquarters station under construction on Milwaukee Avenue - 11-1-09

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Mt Prospect Sta 14 construction update

Work is progressing on the construction of Mount Prospect‘s new station 14 (Division 1). The apron was poured today and the exterior walls are being completed.


the apron was poured today


the walls are almost complete

The link to the Station 14 page on the website offers a view of the construction as of early September.

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Mokena opens Station 3

The Mokena FPD (Division 19) has opened their third station – a temporary site – at 11215 w. 83rd Place. With this new location, there has been some shifting and a reassignment of apparatus.  Ambulance 6634 and Engine 6631 are assigned to the new station. The photos reflect their previous numbering (as Ambulance 6624 and Engine 6621).  Engine 66R is now running as Engine 6621 out of station 2 where there is no longer an ambulance. All three stations photos are from Bill Friedrich who also provided the updated rig placements.


Frankfort has been added to Division 19.

The Frankfort FPD in Will County (Division 19) has been added. They currently operate out of four stations (#s 1,2,3,& 5). Their 5th station, #4, is currently on schedule to open in the spring of 2010. They have an engine ready to go for the new house and are awaiting delivery of a 2010 Ford F450/Horton Type I MICU that will will go in service as Ambulance 745 in the new station as well. An additional posting has been made depicting their old firehouse which is their museum as well. Thanks to Karl Klotz for all of the photos and to Deputy Chief Wilson for providing the rig specs.

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