This from Chi-Town Fire Photos of the 2-Alarm fire in Oak Park, 4/13/19
Saturday afternoon, Oak Park companies fought a tough fire @ 530 s Scoville in a two-story apartment building. Numerous hose lines were dropped and two master streams were used to knock down this fire. About two hours into this fire, there was another fire about three blocks away. The first-in companies (Riverside engine, Brookfield engine, and Oak Brook ladder) arrived to find a three-story frame house, with the back end totally involved. The area was taxed of all their resources which then brought a Task Force of Interdivisional companies to cover the towns while fighting these fires.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos