Archive for October 30th, 2015

New firefighters for Mount Prospect and tax hike

Excerpts from the

Mount Prospect officials anticipate a $1.1 million surplus in the village’s day-to-day General Fund by the end of this year. They’re also expecting a balanced budget by the end of next year. The proposed 2015 village property tax levy is expected to increase by 3.28%.

General Fund reserves by Dec. 31, 2015 are expected to total $13.66 million, or 27.5% of total expenditures. The village’s policy level is to have savings in the range of 20%-30% of total expenditures. For 2016, General Fund projections show revenues and expenditures matching at $49.58 million. Should that remain true, the village’s reserves would remain at the $13.66 million mark.

The overall proposed 2016 budget, comprised of day-to-day costs, capital projects, debt service, pensions and funding for things such as computer and vehicle replacements, shows revenues at nearly $114.9 million and expenditures at nearly $112.4 million equating to a $2.5 million surplus. The surplus is attributed to higher than expected interest earnings for the police and pension funds. Included in the 2016 budget is a 2% wage increase for all non-union employees and collectively bargained groups.

The proposed 2016 budget includes the hiring of six new firefighters/paramedics to redeploy Fire Engine 13 downtown, which was made possible through the Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant. That grant totals $1.3 million and covers the full amount of salary and benefits for those new firefighters for the first two years of employment.

The budget also includes the addition of two full-time and two part-time community service officers to allow existing sworn officers to be reassigned to policing efforts.

“Generally, things are improving for the village, but we have big unknowns out there from the state that could permanently reduce revenues in the future,” Erb said, referring to a possible property tax freeze or continuation of no police and fire pension reform.

Village trustees will discuss the budget again at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10 at village hall. The 2016 budget is expected to be formally adopted at the Dec. 15 village board meeting.

thnaks Dan

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Chicago 4-11 Alarm fire, 10-30-15

First of several posts from the 4-11 Alarm fire today (10/30/15) at Irving Park and Drake.

Three firefighters were injured when the roof collapsed as they were near an overhead door.

Chicago firemen injured at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

firemen injured at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

panorama of commercial fire scene in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Snorkel at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

big fire scene in Chicago

Tim Olk photo

panorama of commercial fire scene in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

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Chicago 2-11 and then 3-11 Alarm fires, 10-20-15 (part 8)

This from Scott Peterson:

More apparatus pictures of the companies at the 3-11 on Oct 20, 2015 @ Harry’s Lumber Sales. Part 3 of 3, specialty companies.
Scott Peterson
Chicago FD turret wagon 6-7-3

Chicago FD turret wagon 6-7-3. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD turret wagon 6-7-3

Chicago FD turret wagon 6-7-3. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Mobile Comm Van 2-7-2

Chicago FD Comm Van 2-7-2. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Squad 7A. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Squad 7A. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Squad 7

Chicago FD Squad 7. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Rehab Unit 5-7-2

Chicago FD Rehab Unit 5-7-2. Scott Peterson photo

Chicago FD Mobile Battery Vehicle.

Chicago FD Mobile Battery Vehicle. Scott Peterson photo

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As seen around … O’Hare

Chicago Squad 7A

Chicago Squad 7A. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

Chicago FD Ford Explorer

Chicago Battalion 13. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

Chicago Comm Van 2-7-3

Chicago Comm Van 2-7-3. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

Chicago Comm Van 2-7-3

Chicago Comm Van 2-7-3. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

Chicago FD Squad 7 at O'Hare Airport

Chicago Squad 7. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

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