Karl Klotz has sent in the following information about the North Maine FPD in Division 3 who has some apparatus changes in the works. They have put a 2010 Ford/Horton MICU into service as Ambulance 1 and reassigned the 2004 IHC/Road Rescue as Ambulance 1R. The 1992 IHC/Road Rescue that was Ambulance 1R is now Utility 1 which will serve the TRT, Haz Mat and Dive Teams in addition to the investigators.
Engine 1R the 1992 Pierce Arrow pumper will be going to Alexis to be refurbished. This will return as Engine 1 reportedly with a black roof. The 2003 American LaFrance pumper will then be reassigned as Engine 1R.

Ambulance 1 is running a new 2010 Ford/Horton MICU. Photo by Karl Klotz.

Formerly Ambulance 1R, this is now Utility 1 servicing the investigators and special team responses. Photo by Karl Klotz