In Frankfort,
Karl Klotz has supplied the following updates – Frankfort has acquired a 2010 Ford/Horton Type I MICU which will run out of Station 4 when it opens … tentatively in June. Frankfort has also ordered a new brush rig for Station 4 and a they are refurbishing the brush rig from Station 3. Lastly, Frankfort has ordered a new buggy for the Battalion Chief.
The Frankfort station pages on the site have been updated with the individual company logos.

Ambulance 4 is a 2010 Ford F450/Horton which will run out of the new Station #4. Photo by Karl Klotz

The decal for Frankfort Company 3. Photo by Karl Klotz
In East Joliet,
Karl has provided a photo of the new Engine 531. Running out of Station 3, it’s a 2009 Pierce Saber 1500/1000/30 which is painted white over red. Engine 531 has a Wil-Burt light tower on the cab roof. (this should be standard issue for all engines … fire buffs need the nighttime scene lighting to assist with fire photography) The old Engine 531 is currently being stored at Station 1.

Photo by Karl Klotz
In New Lenox,
A new Sutphen Engine has been assigned as 1631. This was a demo unit which served at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet last year.

2009 Sutphen Shield 1500/750/30. Photo by Karl Klotz.

Sutphen Shield demo pumper when it was working at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet. Photo by Karl Klotz
In Orland Park,
Three Spartan Gladiator/Darley engines have been put into service as Engines 2, 3 & 6. These CAFS pumpers feature bodies by Plastisol … made from a glass-fiber reinforced polyester resin … and have 1500 GPM pumps, with 750 gallon water tanks plus 30 gallons of Type A foam.

One of three 2009 Spartan/Darley engines serving in Orland Park. Photo by Karl Klotz