Posts Tagged Plum Creek Apartment fire

Apartment fire in Wheeling, 12-19-23 (more)

From the PHFD BC assigned to the fourth floor:

The crews did a fantastic job at the structure fire in Wheeling. The Fire Attack Lead-Out from the standpipe used all three 75-foot sections of 2-inch hose to reach the fire unit. As a reminder, Wheeling and Prospect Heights utilize the same 2″ Denver Load Packs. Excellent job by E39 applying water from the exterior with a 2 1/2″ prior to Wheeling E23 having their 2″ line in place. The exterior attack really helped E23 get their line deployed. E23 had a pressure of 140psi at the gauge.

I am also told there was significant spalling of the precast concrete ceiling/floor inside the fire unit.; #ProspectHeightsFireDistrict; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo; #ProspectHeightsFireDistrict; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo; #ProspectHeightsFireDistrict; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo

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Apartment fire in Wheeling, 12-19-23

Wheeling and Prospect Heights firefighters were sent to 375 Plum Creek Drive on Tuesday morning after a Wheeling Police Department Community Service Officer spotted heavy smoke from a fourth floor apartment. On arrival, flames and smoke were pushing out of a fourth floor balcony in the center of the building with extension to the fifth floor balcony. Wheeling Truck 24 hit it with an elevated master stream and Prospect Heights Engine 39 stretched a 2 1/2″ line to hit it from the base of the building before crews got into place for an interior attack.; #larryshapiro;;; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #WheelingFD; #PlumCreekApartments;

Larry Shapiro photo

This is the second fire this year in the same building. In March, they had fire in an end unit on the same floor.

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