Posts Tagged Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

House fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-25-22

On Thursday, 8-25-22 just after 6PM, Buffalo Grove and Long Grove firefighters were sent to 2112 Brandywyn Lane where residents reported a burning odor with light smoke visible. On arrival, Buffalo Grove Engine 27 requested an upgrade to the Working Fire after confirming light smoke visible. Firefighters then entered the house which was charged with smoke. They found fire and not long after reported a hole in the first floor. Reports stated that the fire may have originated in the basement.

Units at the scene were Buffalo Grove Tower 25, Engines 26 and 27, Ambulances 25 and 26, Battalion 4, 408, and 401. Mutual aid included Long Grove Squad 55 and Battalion 55, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51, Ambulance 51, and Battalion 51, Mundelein Ambulance 432, Prospect Heights Squad 9, Elk Grove Village Tower 8, and Buffalo Grove MobileComm.; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #housefire;

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Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #firetrucks; #BuffaloGroveFD; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #Cyclone;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Brush fire in Deer Park, 4-26-21

This from Max Weingardt:

4/26/21 – Lake Zurich brush fire at Cuba Marsh Forest Preserve

Cuba Marsh brush fire

Max Weingardt photo

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Working fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-29-20

Buffalo Grove firefighters made quick work of a fire on a third floor balcony at 1541 Johnson Drive Saturday (8/29/20). Firefighters found the fire on the front edge of the balcony farthest from the building. The alarm was upgraded to a Code 4 for additional resources to assist with smoke and searches of the twelve-unit, three-story building.

Companies at the scene included Buffalo Grove Quint 25, Engine 26, Engine 27, Ambulance 26, Battalion 4, and chief officers, plus Long Grove Squad 55, Prospect Heights Engine 39, Wheeling Truck 24, Northbrook Tower 12, Deerfield-Bannockburn Engine 20, Arlington Heights Engine 4, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Battalion 51 and Squad 51, plus ambulances from Barrington and Hoffman Estates.

E-ONE ladder at building fire

Larry Shapiro photo

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2-Alarm house fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-26-20 (more)

Photos from Larry Shapiro of the 2-Alarm house fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-26-20

E-ONE Cyclone HP75 at work at a fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from house on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from house on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

E-ONE fire trucks at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

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2-Alarm house fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-26-20

Buffalo Grove police and firefighters were called to 25 Dellmont Court today (8/26/20) for a house fire. First arriving units had fire from a roof vent of a two-story, single-family house. The alarm was upgraded to a Code 4 working fire and then to a MABAS Box Alarm for additional resources. Companies advanced several lines into the house and had difficulty gaining access to the attic. The fire self vented through the rear with flames and heavy smoke pushing out. An exterior line was used to darken down the fire before companies were again able to make an interior attack. The alarm was later elevated to a 2nd Alarm for additional manpower due to the excessive heat. Two firefighters were transported from the scene with heat related injuries.


Two Buffalo Grove engines and Long Grove Tanker 55 were on hydrants. An incomplete list of mutual aid companies includes units from Long Grove, Prospect Heights, Wheeling, Palatine, Countryside, Libertyville Lake Forest, Grayslake, Highland Park, Schaumburg, Mount Prospect, Deerfield, Northbrook, Lake Villa, Lake Zurich, Hoffman Estates, and Winnetka.

house on fire

J Kleeman photo

Firefighters with hose line at fire

J Kleeman photo

Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27

J Kleeman photo

Firefighters battled a 2-Alarm house fire at 25 Dellmont Court in Buffalo Grove 8/26/2

J Kleeman photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

J Kleeman photo

Firefighters battled a 2-Alarm house fire at 25 Dellmont Court in Buffalo Grove 8/26/2

J Kleeman photo

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Crash with entrapment in Buffalo Grove, 6-29-20

Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were sent to a motor vehicle accident today (6/29/20) in the east bound lanes of Lake-Cook Road just west of Raupp Boulevard in a construction zone. A car traveling westbound reportedly crossed into the eastbound lanes and collided with a large dump truck carrying asphalt. Firefighters extricated the driver of the car who was entrapped and later transported to a hospital in serious condition. The man, later identified as John Rodgers IV, 49, was pronounced dead at the hospital. The truck driver was unharmed. The roadway remained closed to allow an accident investigation team to reconstruct the incident.

Buffalo Grove Firefighters at crash scene

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove Firefighter Frank Doll

Larry Shapiro photo

severe damage to car after a crash

Larry Shapiro photo

Firefighters and paramedics and police officers at crash site

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25

Larry Shapiro photo

multiple air bag deployment from crash

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

Larry Shapiro photo

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Box alarm fire in the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD, 12-26-17 (more)

This from Niko Stefani:

Lincolnshire Box Alarm 12/26/17

Fire in a 2 story home that was in the garage that had extended to the attic on arrival. Thanks. 
Northbrook FD Engine 10

Niko Stefani photo

Gurnee FD Squad 1352

Niko Stefani photo

aftermath of house fire

Niko Stefani photo

Wheeling FD Tower 24

Niko Stefani photo

firefighter helmet with ice

Niko Stefani photo

aftermath of house fire

Niko Stefani photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

Niko Stefani photo

Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD firefighters

Niko Stefani photo

Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD Squad 51

Niko Stefani photo

firefighter after battling a fire

Larry Shapiro photo

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Box alarm fire in the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD, 12-26-17

Lincolnshire-Riverwoods (LRFPD) and neighboring firefighters were sent to 1505 Garden Court in unincorporated Lake County just before noon today (12/26/17) for a house fire. Units responding reported a header in the sky long before they arrived on the scene. LRFPD Battalion 51 found flames blowing out of the garage and attic upon arrival and requested the working fire upgrade. 

Wheeling FD Tower 24

Dan McInerney photo

flames and smoke from house on fire

Dan McInerney photo

flames from home on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

flames from home on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

flames from home on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

It appeared that the house may have been unoccupied at the time of the fire and was undergoing renovation.

The first hydrant was found to be inoperable and as lines were pulled from LRFPD Squad 51, Buffalo Grove Engine 26 dropped a large line from the end of the block to establish a continuous water supply. Wheeling Tower 24 was setup in front of the house.

inoperable fire hydrant near house on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from home on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from home on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

An interior attack knocked down the fire on the second floor and attic as other lines hit fire in the garage. The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm bringing additional units to the scene.

winter house fire scene

Dan McInerney photo

An incomplete list of companies at the scene included: LRFPD Battalion 51, Squad 51, Ambulance, 51, Battalion 52, Ambulance 52, Engine 53, 5101 and 5100; Wheeling Tower 24, Engine 42, Ambulance 24, Battalion 24, and 2401; Buffalo Grove Engine 26 and Ambulance 26; Mt Prospect Ambulance 14; Northbrook Engine 10; Prospect Heights Tower 9, Des Plaines Engine 61; Highland Park Engine 34 Squad 33; Deerfield-Bannockburn Squad 19 and 2001; Gurnee Squad 1342 1352; Wauconda Tower 341; plus chief officers from Libertyville and Countryside.

Northbrook FD Engine 10

Dan McInerney photo

more photos at

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Working fire in Hawthorn Woods, 12-18-17

Lake Zurich firefighters were called to 45 Gentry Drive in Hawthorn Woods Monday evening for a reported house fire. Police units arriving first confirmed fire in a second floor bedroom. The area is without hydrants and tankers responded from Countryside and Long Grove. One Lake Zurich engine setup at the end of the street with a portable-tank and the firs-in engine was nursed by the Countryside tanker in front of the house. The fire was extinguished within 20 minutes.

Also at the scene was a Buffalo Grove engine, a Wauconda truck, and a Lincolnshire-Riverwoods ambulance.

Lake Zurich FD Engine 324 drafting from a portable tank

Larry Shapiro photo

House fire in Hawthorn Woods

Larry Shapiro photo

Fire department tanker nursing an engine

Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside FPD Tanker 411

Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich FD Engine 324 drafting from a portable tank

Larry Shapiro photo

Long Grove FPD Tanker 55

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

Larry Shapiro photo

a few more photos are at

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Box Alarm in Buffalo Grove, 6-20-17

Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to 685 Le Parc Circle late Tuesday afternoon after a homeowner was alerted on his phone of an alarm going off. The Code 2 for the alarm investigation was elevated to a Code 3 for the reported fire after receiving an update from the homeowner who arrived home and found smoke in the unit.

Buffalo Grove (BG) Battalion 4 arrived to find light smoke around the eaves and upgraded to a Code 4 for the working fire. BG companies went to the roof and inside the unit while mutual aid crews investigated the adjoining units. Heavy smoke conditions inside initially hampered locating the seat of the attic fire and a fear of extension throughout the multiple unit building prompted further upgrading the alarm to a MABAS Box Alarm.

Companies at the scene were: Buffalo Grove Battalion 4, Engine 26, Quints 25 and 27, Squad 25, Ambulances 25 and 26, plus three additional chief officers. Mutual aid companies were: Arlington Heights Engine 4, Ambulance 4, and 400; Long Grove Squad 55 and 5500; Palatine Engine 82; Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51; Wheeling Engine 42 and 2400; ambulances from Barrington Countryside, Lake Zurich, Schaumburg, and Lake Villa; a Libertyville squad, a Countryside engine, trucks from Mundelein and Grayslake (in a spare truck X-Mundelein), the Mess Canteen Unit M5, plus Buffalo Grove EMA.

One firefighter was transported to an area hospital for observation after being evaluated in rehab.


townhouse building fire

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from attic vent

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD E-ONE Typhoon fire engine at work

Larry Shapiro photo

Firefighters guide hose line into a house

Larry Shapiro photo

heavy smoke from townhouse fire

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD KME quint at work

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD E-ONE Typhoon fire engine at work

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD E-ONE Cyclone quint at work

Larry Shapiro photo

large diameter hose in the street

Larry Shapiro photo

Mess Canteen M5 rehab unit

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27

Dan McInerney photo

Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26

Dan McInerney photo

Firefighters rehab at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

Mundelein FD tower ladder

Dan McInerney photo

Mundelein FD new and old fire trucks

Larry Shapiro photo

Northwest Lake County Fire Training Cooperative

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD fire scene

Dan McInerney photo

firefighters after battling a fire

Dan McInerney photo

mom take picture of toddler dressed as a fireman

Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove FD E-ONE Cyclone quint reflecting in a pond

Larry Shapiro photo

E-ONE aerial ladder

Dan McInerney photo

more photos at

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