Archive for category New Fire Station

New fire station for Palatine

The Daily Herald reported on July 14th that crews will break ground next month for a new fire station in Palatine.

Palatine Fire Department Station 81 rendering

An artist rendering of the new building for Palatine Station 81. Source; The Daily Herald

Palatine residents getting used to the police headquarters construction will soon notice hard hats at a second public safety-related work site.

Crews are expected to break ground within 30 to 45 days on a satellite fire station at 1215 N. Quentin Road, located at the corner of Echo Lane.

The village council on Monday unanimously approved a contract that sets the guaranteed maximum price for construction at $2.56 million. That factors in subcontractor bids, construction contingency, construction manager fee and bond cost.

When combined with planning, design, furnishings and other administrative costs, the total project is coming in at $2.98 million, or just under the $3 million budget.

The village’s burden could prove less if the state releases a $575,000 commitment to the project through its capital plan. Palatine isn’t counting on it and is prepared to secure funding through other means.

“We’re planning for the worst, meaning that we don’t get anything,” Village Manager Reid Ottesen said. “Realistically, I’d put it at a 50-50 chance right now.”

Next month, Palatine will initiate the first of two bond issues in order to fund both the fire station and the much larger $23 million police headquarters. The decision was made to secure funding in two phases, Ottesen said, because the buildings won’t be ready until next year and there’s no point in borrowing the full amount upfront just to pay interest on it.

Earlier this year, the 8,700-square-foot building’s design was scaled back to come in under budget. Changes were mostly cosmetic, though accommodations were reduced to change the maximum number of personnel from six to five firefighters.

The cost savings could be partly erased if the village doesn’t agree to waive its automatic sprinkler requirement in the noncombustible attic space.

The satellite fire station should be operational by March or April. The Dundee Road station will close, and the Masonic Lodge will take over the space.

Fire officials say the new station is necessary in order to improve response times to west and northwest Palatine compared to the current station.

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Coal City Station 2

Karl Klotz has provided a photo documenting the progress of the new station 2 for Coal City in Division 15 (Grundy County). An exact address was not available but the station is located at Berta Road and East Spring Street. The station is slated to open late this summer or early in the fall.

Coal City Fire Station 2

Progress on station 2 for Coal City as of June 9, 2010.0 Photo by Karl Klotz

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Division 1 station updates

The new station in Wheeling on Milwaukee Avenue is coming along with a projected opening in July. The new Station 14 in Mount Prospect still has not received the permanent doors with glass for the front of the apparatus bays.

Wheeling Fire Station 24

Progress as of June 2, 2010 on Wheeling's new fire station on Milwaukee Avenue. The station is due to open in July.

Mount Prospect Fire Station 14

Mount Prospect Station 14 on Kensington Road as seen on June 2, 2010 with the temporary solid bay doors.

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Frankfort opens station 4

Karl Klotz has sent word that Frankfort has officially opened Station 4. They are running and engine and ambulance out of that house. Although the current KME engine is ‘Engine 2’, the real KME Engine 4 will be back soon from having some work done on it.

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CFD fire house new construction update

The following information comes from Bill Post regarding new fire houses in Chicago.

While most Chicago Fire Fans out there already know that the City of Chicago will be building a new Fire Station for Engine 109 ,Truck 32 , Ambulance 34 and Battalion 14 at 2343 S Kedzie within the next year or so, as it is the last of 9 new fire stations and one new Heliport that was part of Chicago’s “Neighborhoods Alive” building program that was proposed in the year 2000 and started with the building of Engine 63, Truck 16’s, Ambulance 89’s and EMS field officer 458’s new station which officially opened in late 2003/early 2004 , a tenth new fire station is now being proposed by the City at 3901 N S Wabash for Engine 16 and Ambulance 35.
It’s official and the Public Building Commission was supposed to have held a meeting in the “Grand Boulevard”
neighborhood in March to discuss the proposal. While I don’t know if funding has been approved for the project yet, once funding is approved it should take a total of about 30 months to have it built which includes about 9 months to complete the design, 6 months to prepare the site and another 15 months to complete the construction. So assuming that funding is secured and the project is on schedule ( which is not always the case) the station probably won’t be opened before sometime during 2013 (if we are lucky).
The proposed site is a vacant lot. That’s about all the information I have so far.
Bill Post

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Mt Prospect Station 14 update

The Mt. Prospect Fire Department moved into the new station 14 10 days ago although it comes as no surprise that everything hasn’t yet been completed. The contractor wasted no time in demolishing the old station next door within days of the move. The new station shares the same address as the old station at 2000 E. Kensington. Aside from a punch list of things to do, one of the noticeable areas that needs to be completed are the front bay doors. Currently the doors are solid basic gray steel with no windows. Evidently the finish on the permanent doors has been rejected on two separate occasions. Initially they were removed to be repainted due to an ‘orange peel’ texture to the finish and when they were brought back they never made it off the truck! The permanent doors will have windows in them.

An interesting note about the construction of the station is that it is built to strict standards for sustainability during severe weather. After a storm came through town several years ago and produced a significant amount of damage, it was determined that the north end of town did not have a significant structure that would provide protection to the public in the event that severe weather was imminent. The exact standards to which the building was built were not available when this post was written.

So, these updated photos … will not be the last!

Mount Prospect Fire Station 14

Photo by Larry Shapiro

Mount Prospect Fire Department Staion 14

Photo by Larry Shapiro

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Mt Prospect opens new station

An article in Saturday’s Daily Herald announces that Mount Prospect Station 14 is now open.

Mount Prospect firefighters have moved into their new Fire Station 14, which has been under construction for about a year.The new $8.5 million building is located at 2000 E. Kensington and will serve the north end of down, said Finance Director David Erb. Mount Prospect’s other two fire stations are at Golf and Busse roads and downtown near village hall.The former Fire Station 14 was located on the same site and was demolished before construction began on the new one, Erb said.The village will host a grand opening at 10 a.m. on May 29.But before then, the Mount Prospect Historical Society will host a fundraiser from 6 to 10 p.m. on May 21 at the new station. The event will include tours, a “firehouse dinner” of chili, hot dogs and hamburgers, and an open beer and wine bar. There will also be live entertainment, an auction and giveaways. The cost is $40 per person and all benefits will go to restore the 1896 Central School – the building where the Mount Prospect Fire Department was founded on Sept. 29, 1913.”They certainly have come a long way from those days,” said Greg Peerbolte, executive director of the Mount Prospect Historical Society. “The entire force was all-volunteer and its equipment was comprised of eight buckets, two axes, two pike poles, an extension ladder and a roof ladder.”

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updated photo of new Frankfort FPD station

Karl Klotz has provided a recent shot of the now completed new Station #4 in Frankfort. The station is not yet open but is expected to be in service early this summer. The corrected address is 7980 Steger Road.

Frankfort FPD Station 4

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Chicago Fire Department – updates

The Chicago Fire Department listings continue to be updated.  20 pieces of apparatus and one new station photo have been added thanks to submissions from Jack Connors, Karl Klotz, and Hank Sajovic.

Hank provided a shot of Engine 18’s new house.

Karl sent shots of Battalions 16 & 24.

Jack submitted the following:

Ambulances – 7, 41, 26, 59, 34, 44. Engine 94. Haz Mat Support unit 511A. Battalion 8. Trucks 59, 31, 26, 33, 42, 44, 49, 62 & TL14.

Use the CFD index to view these updates.

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Division 19 updates

In Frankfort,

Karl Klotz has supplied the following updates – Frankfort has acquired a 2010 Ford/Horton Type I MICU which will run out of Station 4 when it opens … tentatively in June. Frankfort has also ordered a new brush rig for Station 4 and a they are refurbishing the brush rig from Station 3. Lastly, Frankfort has ordered a new buggy for the Battalion Chief.

The Frankfort station pages on the site have been updated with the individual company logos.

Frankfort FPD Ambulance 4

Ambulance 4 is a 2010 Ford F450/Horton which will run out of the new Station #4. Photo by Karl Klotz

Frankfort FPD Company 3 decal

The decal for Frankfort Company 3. Photo by Karl Klotz

In East Joliet,

Karl has provided a photo of the new Engine 531. Running out of Station 3, it’s a 2009 Pierce Saber 1500/1000/30 which is painted white over red. Engine 531 has a Wil-Burt light tower on the cab roof. (this should be standard issue for all engines … fire buffs need the nighttime scene lighting to assist with fire photography) The old Engine 531 is currently being stored at Station 1.

East Joliet FPD Engine 531

Photo by Karl Klotz

In New Lenox,

A new Sutphen Engine has been assigned as 1631. This was a demo unit which served at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet last year.

New Lenox FPD Sutphen Engine 1631

2009 Sutphen Shield 1500/750/30. Photo by Karl Klotz.

Joliet Speedway Sutphen engine

Sutphen Shield demo pumper when it was working at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet. Photo by Karl Klotz

In Orland Park,

Three Spartan Gladiator/Darley engines have been put into service as Engines 2, 3 & 6. These CAFS pumpers feature bodies by Plastisol … made from a glass-fiber reinforced polyester resin … and have 1500 GPM pumps, with 750 gallon water tanks plus 30 gallons of Type A foam.

Orland Park Spartan Darley Engine 2

One of three 2009 Spartan/Darley engines serving in Orland Park. Photo by Karl Klotz

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