In MABAS Division 21, the North Palos Fire Protection District has been added to the site. The district runs out of three stations, one of which is the former Worth Fire Department which became part of the North Palos district in January of 2009. The Worth personnel, station and apparatus were merged into or became part of the North Palos Fire Protection District.

North Palos Fire Protection District Headquarters Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo

1986 Federal Motors/1987 E-ONE 110′ aerial as a Leyden Township truck . Steve Redick photo

1986 Federal Motors Hurricane/1987 E-ONE 0/0 110′ rear mount with shop order #4938 with it’s original owner, the Elmwood Park Fire Department. Larry Shapiro photo

Worth Fire Department Engine 6723, a 1990 Spartan/FMC 1250/500 became North Palos Engine 833. Larry Shapiro photo

Worth FD Car 6700 is now North Palos 806 a public works vehicle. Bill Friedrich photo

Worth Engine 6713, a 2004 E-ONE Typhoon 1500/750 is now North Palos Engine 823. Bill Friedrich photo

Worth Ambulance 6712, a 1999 IHC 4700/Road Rescue Type I is no longer part of the fleet Ambulance 822. Bill Friedrich photo
#1 by Dennis on October 21, 2012 - 10:26 AM
Ok lets see if we can get this right…
The 1999 International/Road Rescue that was Worth FD Amb. 6712 was changed to North Palos FPD Amb. 842 after the merger.
#2 by Dennis on October 20, 2012 - 3:24 PM
Amb. 822 is a McCoy-Miller not a Lifeline.
#3 by Keith Grzadziel on October 20, 2012 - 8:28 AM
Dennis- The current Amb 822 is the former Worth Amb 6702. The lightbar was switched out, the top was painted black and it was restriped, relettered, and renumbered several months after the merger. North Palos’ existing ambos were all Osage prior to the merger as this is a Lifeline.
Martin- Car 806 is a 1998 Expedition that was originally black. When the former chief received a new Expedition, his unmarked 1998 was repainted black/red with lettering and was assigned to Battalion 8 until the 05 was delivered.
The former Worth Amb 6712 was Reserve Amb 832 until it was disposed of upon delivery of the current Amb 802.
#4 by Dennis on October 19, 2012 - 9:10 PM
Amb. 822 is NOT the X-Worth rig.
#5 by Martin on October 18, 2012 - 6:02 PM
They have a suv sitting in the station that looks like that white Ford but it carries NP’s colors. By any chance they didn’t repaint the unit?
#6 by Keith Grzadziel on October 18, 2012 - 1:13 PM
Worth Car 6700 was stripped & given to their public works. Car 806 was once assigned to Battalion 8 and is now a station car. Ambulance 822 was formerly Worth ambulance 6702, which was repainted and relettered.
#7 by Keith Grzadziel on October 18, 2012 - 1:08 PM
Worth Car 6700 was stripped & given to their public works. Car 806 was once assigned to Battalion 8 and is now a station car.
#8 by Martin on October 18, 2012 - 11:43 AM
The Tahoes and F-350 are actually 2012’s. They were built after June of 2011.