Martin Nowak found links to several Oshkosh ARFF deliveries for O’Hare and Rockford airports on the Oshkosh Flickr site.

Rockford Airport ARFF. Oshkosh composite

Chicago 653 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite

Chicago ARFF 655 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite

Chicago ARFF 656 for O’Hare with Snozzle. Oshkosh composite

Chicago ARFF 657 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite
Does anyone know how do they get that sky writing behind the units … and those runway lights are so white!
#1 by Michael M on June 26, 2012 - 8:27 PM
Beautiful trucks!
#2 by Garrett on June 21, 2012 - 10:14 PM
Looking at their Flickr, it seems as though they are all stock images with different markings photoshopped on… Haha- either way, I enjoy looking at them.