Drew Gresik submitted several apparatus photos of units that are not yet on the website.

Brookfield Ambulance 414 is a 2006 Ford E-450 Type III from LifeLine. Drew Gresik photo

Riverside Ambulance 1614 is a 2010 Ford E-350 Type III by Medtec. Drew Gresik photo

Riverside Engine 1621 is a 2003 E-ONE Typhoon with a 1,250-GPM pump, 1,000 gallons of water and 40 gallons of foam. Drew Gresik photo

Riverside Truck 1629 is a low profile, 2000 Seagrave (LP55DA) with a 2,000-GPM pump, 500 gallons of water, and a 100-foot rear-mounted ladder. Drew Gresik photo

North Riverside Tower 806 is a 1997 Pierce Dash with a 2,000-GPM pump, 200 gallons of water, and a 100-foot tower ladder. Drew Gresik photo

River Forest Engine 222 is a 2002 Spartan Gladiator/Darley with a 1,500-GPM pump, 800 gallons of water, and 30 gallons of foam. Drew Gresik photo