Dave Statter from Statter911.com posted this video clip of a rescue being made at the 3-11 Alarm fire yesterday at 714 E. 82nd Street.
Jun 27
Posted by bgshap in Fire Service News | Comments off
Dave Statter from Statter911.com posted this video clip of a rescue being made at the 3-11 Alarm fire yesterday at 714 E. 82nd Street.
Tags: Chicago 3-11 alarm fire, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago firefighter rescues resident, Chicago firefighters rescue residents from apartment fire, Dave Statter, Statter911.com, video of firefighters making rescue
The swap meet and fire muster was co-sponsored by the 5-11 Club and Fire Buffs of Illinois on Saturday, June 16th at the Quinn Fire Academy. Here are a few images from the event.
Several CFD companies came by including 5-1-1. Larry Shapiro photo
Radioman’s Dave Weaver brought his CFD Dodge Monaco for Division 7. Larry Shapiro photo
The new CFD (8-8-12) was open and on display in the yard. Bill Friedrich photo
An Ahrens Fox was pumping in the street. Carl Misek photo
Where there are fire trucks posed, there will be photographers snapping photos. Larry Shapiro photo
The new engine for the training academy was positioned for photos. Larry Shapiro photo
A view showing the rear of the new training academy engine. Larry Shapiro photo
The Wadsworth Ohio Ward LaFrance Ambassador P80 engine belonging to Doug Reno (of Wadsworth, IL) was one of several on display. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: Ahrens Fox, American LaFrance Century engine, American LaFrance Eagle, antique Chicago fire department Dodge Monaco, Bill Friedrich, Bluebird bus, Carl Misek, Chicago 5-11 Club, Chicago 8-8-12, Chicago Fire Academy training engine, Chicago fire muster, Crimson engine, Crimson fire engine, Dave Weaver, Doug Reno, engine, Fire Buffs of Illinois, Firematic Swap Meet, Hillside Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Mobile Ambulance Bus, Spartan Gladiator Classic, Wadsworth OH Ward LaFrance, Ward LaFrance Ambassador, Ward LaFrance Fireball, Ward LaFrance P80 engine
The Chicago City Council is proposing an ordinance to identify and brand dangerous buildings with a scarlet ‘X’. The Chicago Tribune reports that:
Firefighters, cops and paramedics arriving at dangerous, vacant buildings would be warned by emergency dispatchers and bright reflective signs under new city efforts to avoid another disaster like the December 2010 roof collapse that claimed the lives of two firefighters.
Earlier this year, the city began compiling a list of dangerous buildings for 911 dispatchers, who will warn first responders en route to those sites. And the City Council Zoning Committee on Monday endorsed a measure to put 2-foot by 2-foot reflective signs, each with a large red “X,” on those buildings.
The entire article can be found HERE.
thanks Chris
Tags: CFD FF Corey Ankum, Chicago FF Edward Stringer, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago LODD, Chicago to identify unsafe buildings with placard, Chicago to label dangerous buildings, Firefighter Corey Ankrum, Lieutenant Edward Stringer
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