Jeff Rudolph again traveled across the border on Thursday to a fire in Wisconsin and had the following description:
Pleasant Prairie, WI pulled box 56-01 to the Box Alarm level for a fire at Dejno’s Inc @ 7533 75th St. Fire was showing on arrival from a roof top hopper unit that is used to load saw dust. Winthrop Harbor, IL went change of quarters to Pleasant Prairie Sta.1 and Newport 1415 went to the scene. Mutual aid companies also came from Bristol, Somers, Kensoha, and Salem. One FF was slightly injured and was treated and released at the scene. Extensive overhaul had to be done to make sure all of the smoldering dust was extinguished.

Firefighters from Newport Township went to work on the roof. Jeff Rudolph photo

Pleasant Prairie Truck 5631 setup to the roof of the industrial building. Jeff Rudolph photo

Pleasant Prairie Tanker 5615 supplies water to companies at the scene. Newport Engine 1415 is seen alongside. Both are Pierce units. Jeff Rudolph photo

Pleasant Prairie Engine 5612 was also pumping at the scene. It is a 2010 Pierce Quantum pumper/tanker. Jeff Rudolph photo
Additional images from the scene can be seen on Jeff’s Flickr site HERE.