Jeff Rudolph took in an MVA involving a car and a tractor-trailer on I94 north of Russell Road, just across the Wisconsin border this afternoon. The Newport Township Fire Department responded with Ambulance 1441, Squad 1458 and 1400. Pleasant Prairie, Wi sent an ambulance, and Bristol, WI sent a squad and an ambulance. All three ambulances transported to Kenosha area hospitals. All injuries appeared to by yellows. There is ongoing construction on I94, and Bristol’s chief told Jeff that this was the third accident in a week in the same spot.

Newport Township Engine 1458 responded over the state line to assist Wisconsin companies at an MVA in the construction site. Jeff Rudolph photo

Bristol Fire Department sent their Pierce Lance heavy rescue. Jeff Rudolph photo

This tractor-trailer collided with a car. Three patients were transported. Jeff Rudolph photo

Firefighters from Bristol and Pleasant Prairie remove one of the car's occupants and carry him to an ambulance. Jeff Rudolph photo

Newport Ambulance 1441 transported one of the patients to a Kenosha area hospital. Jeff Rudolph photo

Paramedics prepare to load the patient is packaged onto a gurney. Jeff Rudolph photo

Another patient is removed from the car. Jeff Rudolph photo

The car sustained a fair amount of damage from the collision and spun completely around. Jeff Rudolph photo