The Burnham Fire Department received calls yesterday reporting a fire in a 3-story apartment building at 14000 S. Torrence Avenue. First arriving companies found heavy smoke on the first floor and upgraded the alarm to a MABAS Box Alarm. Mutual aid companies from several neighboring departments responded including Calumet City, Dolton, South Holland, and Munster Indiana. The fire was knocked down in fairly short order and no injuries were reported.
Tim Olk took in the fire, and though he arrived after the fire was put out, he submitted several images of the scene and the apparatus that responded.

Firefighters relax after knocking down an apartment fire on Saturday at 14000 S Torrence Avenue. Tim Olk photo

Calumet City Truck 309 was positioned in the 'A' Sector and supported hand lines. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Engine 2014, a 2007 HME Ahrens Fox was the first engine on the scene. Tim Olk photo

South Holland Engine 665, built by Smeal on an HME chassis was due to assist Burnham. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Engine 2016, a 1996 HME SFO Luverne was staged down the street from the fire building. Tim Olk photo

The Munster Indiana Fire Department is a member of MABAS Division 24 and was due on the Box with their Truck 2221, an American LaFrance/LTI tower ladder. Tim Olk photo

The Third District Fire Chief's Association canteen unit was on the scene to assist with rehab. Tim Olk photo