Another department in MABAS Division 10 has been added to the site. The Western Springs Fire Department currently has one station at 4353 Wolf Road. Station 2 is under construction at 5501 Grand Avenue. The apparatus consists of two Medtec ambulances, three engines, a truck, and a command car. Staffing is a combination of full-time, contract, part-time, and POC personnel. Currently the apparatus is painted white over red although past vehicles, which will be displayed in the historic photo gallery, were all white. Images of the current fleet were supplied by Bill Friedrich.

The Western Springs Fire station was photographed prior to the department replacing their white fleet with red and white apparatus. Bill Friedrich photo

This 1978 E-ONE pumper/squad on a Ford C-600 chassis depicts how earlier Western Springs apparatus looked. The two-tone blue shading behind the gold lettering dressed these units up. Larry Shapiro photo

Construction is well underway on Western Springs Fire Station #2. Bill Friedrich photo

Another view of the new fire station which faces west. Bill Friedrich photo