This from Daniel Hynd:
Photos from the Westmont special alarm 3-21-23

Daniel Hynd photo

Daniel Hynd photo

Daniel Hynd photo
This from Daniel Hynd:
Photos from the Westmont special alarm 3-21-23
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Tags:, Daniel Hynd, Downers Grove FD Tower 102, fire scene photos, house fire in Westmont, Oak Brook FD Tower 94, Pierce, Velocity, Westmont Fire Department
This entry was posted on March 22, 2023, 7:00 AM and is filed under Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Dennis on March 25, 2023 - 4:30 PM
Andy pictures always provide context, if that’s policy then it makes no sense. If the roof is soft? that just makes no sense get off of it. I could see one guy clearly on air in the yard, if they exited you come off right away so as to conserve air, read my last comment.
#2 by Andy on March 24, 2023 - 9:04 AM
The reason we say no monday morning quarterbacking is because, the pictures themselves provide no context. Perhaps the two ladders were there because that’s policy, or in case they wanted the roof ladder to work off if the roof was a little soft. You can’t clearly see in any of the pictures that anyone is on air in the front yard. Even if they are, perhaps they just exited the building and seconds later took off their mask or removed their regulator. Just enjoy the pictures for what they are and don’t immediately jump to criticizing people without any context.
#3 by Dennis on March 24, 2023 - 6:50 AM
Let me explain,
The longer ladder, a 24′ maybe, is put up with the fly section out….
Why is the roof ladder set up next to it? The roof pitch is clearly low enough to walk without it. A 2nd means of egress is used in the rear with a ground ladder so no need for the roof ladder.
Why are there people walking around on air in the yard? Most departments don’t have the manpower or the on board SCBA compressor to stop doing work to change out bottles or get them refilled. Conserve your air when all possible.
The whole Monday morning quarterback is ridiculous in our line of work because we don’t get fires like we used to and if we don’t take advantage of those pictures or videos that to learn from then what’s the point. I’ve never been to any class that never discussed photos from scenes weather someone was there or not.
#4 by Brian on March 23, 2023 - 8:44 PM
What’s the issue with the ground ladder placement? There’s an extension ladder with a roof ladder that was not utilized; which if it were, it would provide a platform to work off of and distributes weight. Maybe poor judgment on ladder choice as this would’ve been an easy roof to make with a 16’ straight ladder. However, neither one of us were there I presume and don’t have the details to Monday morning quarterback.
#5 by Dennis on March 23, 2023 - 3:07 PM
the ground ladder placement……