Archive for March 25th, 2023

New ambulance for Plainfield FPD

From Plainfield Fire Protection District Facebook page: 
Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the factory to inspect our new ambulance that is just having the finishing touches put on it.  We hope to have it delivered to us in the next few weeks.; #ambulance; #PlainfieldFPD;

Plainfield FPD photo; #ambulance; #PlainfieldFPD;

Plainfield FPD photo

thanks Martin

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As seen around … Mokena

This from George Skibinski:

Hello my name is George Skibinski and I am a local fire buff on the south side of Chicago. Recently my friend Colton Latham and I have been going around to some stations nearby and I would like to share these photos.
Mokena Fire Protection District STATION 91, STATION 92, and STATION 93; #MokenaFPD; #ambulance;

George Skibinski photo; #FireTruck; #MokenaFPD; #Spartan; #Alexis;; #MokenaFPD; #ambulance;

Mokena fire protection district ambulance 93; #FireTruck; #MokenaFPD;; #FireTruck; #MokenaFPD; #Pierce;

Mokena fire protection district engine 91; #FireTruck; #MokenaFPD; #Pierce;

George Skibinski photo; #ATV; #MokenaFPD;

George Skibinski photo; #pickuptruck; #MokenaFPD;

George Skibinski photo

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New engine for Mt Prospect

From the Pierce Flickr page:

Pierce, Mount Prospect Fire Department, IL, 37297-1; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Quantum; #MountProspect FD;

Pierce composite

thanks Martin

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