Congratulations to the Wood Dale Fire District (IL) on the purchase of an Alexis stock pumper, AFE2644. Thank you for your trust in Alexis Fire Equipment and in Legacy.
thanks Martin
Mar 21
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | 5 Comments
Congratulations to the Wood Dale Fire District (IL) on the purchase of an Alexis stock pumper, AFE2644. Thank you for your trust in Alexis Fire Equipment and in Legacy.
thanks Martin
Tags: Alexis Fire Apparatus, Alexis Fire Equipment,, Spartan Metro Star, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale Fire District, Wood Dale Fire Protection District
Feb 1
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 6 Comments
From legacy fire apparatus midwest FB
Final acceptance day! Wood Dale’s (IL) new custom Sutphen pumper is done! Now off to our dealership for EMS cabinets and equipment mounting. Thank you for choosing Sutphen Corporation and Legacy Fire Apparatus. We genuinely appreciate your business. Look for this pumper soon in Wood Dale!
Legacy Fire Apparatus photo
Legacy Fire Apparatus photo
Legacy Fire Apparatus photo
Legacy Fire Apparatus photo
thanks Danny
Tags:,, new engine for Wood Dale, Sutphen fire engine, Wood Dale FD Engine 69, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale FPD buys Sutphen fire engine
Oct 27
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | 4 Comments
Wood Dale FPD minute from 9/20/22
thanks Tim
Tags:, new engine for Wood Dale, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale FPD buys Sutphen fire engine
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, fire engine for sale | 8 Comments
Wood Dale FPD photo
Found at
This is a drive-able 1999 Pierce aerial ladder truck. The cab and chassis are also a 1999 and the model is a Quantum. The engine is a Detroit Diesel series 60 and the transmission is an Allison EVS 4060. It is equipped with a Harrison 10kw hydraulic PTO operated power generator that operates. It has a 105-foot PAL105 aerial device. It has a Hale mid-ship QSMG-150/ 1500-GPM pump, an Elkhart panel mounted foam eductor that is pre-piped to the front cross lay. It has a combination 5″ rear discharge from the pump or direct aerial waterway inlet switched by a valve. There are five seat positions with 3 SCBA seats (1 fold down jump seat, non SCBA). It has a center mounted EMS cabinet, forward facing, in the rear of the truck cab. The only equipment provided with the truck will be the ground ladders and the electric fog nozzle for the master stream. The ladders are a 10′ folding, 14′ combination, 1-16′ roof, 1-14′ roof, 1-12’ roof, 24′ extension, and a 35′ extension.
Current pump test certification from 2018. Annual inspection reports. Current on preventive maintenance. Last passing aerial test was 2017
Recent history repairs-
Pump overhauled in 2011, engine rebuilt in 2012, transmission replaced in 2012, front frame rails are splinted due to stress cracks just behind engine/transmission mounts left and right, aerial swivel replaced in 2013. All overhead emergency light bars upgraded to LED in 2013.
Broken, damaged, or inoperative-
The aerial device failed annual inspection in 2018 due to excessive wear in the primary rotation bearing. The rear frame has been repaired several times but does still have significant rust scale, rust jacking, and corrosion. The rear suspension has rust holes in the suspension carriers and the right side will need to be repaired or replaced. The A/C compressor is inoperative/ seized, and the belt was removed. The truck was driven into approximately 4′ of water in 2011.
Starting Bid: $2,500.00 Current Price: $8,250.00 Reserve Price Not Met Buyer’s Fee: 8.00 %
Start Date Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:20 PM ET End Date Wednesday, July 31, 2019 3:06 PM ET Bid History 13 Bids High Bidder s*****o Page Views 1516
thanks Ron
Tags: 1999 Pierce Quantum PAL105 for sale, fire truck for sale, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale Fire Protection District
From a reader:
Found these online somewhere during the fall of the new Tender 68 in Wood Dale. Photographer unknown.
photographer unknown
photographer unknown
photographer unknown
Tags: 1997 Pierce/International 2554 6X4 pumper tanker 1500/3000,, Dwight Fire Department, Dwight Fire Protection District, new home for Dwight FPD tender, new home for used fire truck, new tanker for Wood Dale FPD, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale Fire Protection District, Wood Dale FPD buys used tanker, Wood Dale FPD Tender 68
Sep 23
Posted by Admin in Fire Service Photos | 5 Comments
This from Andy Hilk:
On my days off I teach a fire science class to high school students that is run through the Technology Center of DuPage (TCD). TCD is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) High School for juniors and seniors attending high school in DuPage County and has about 1,100 students enrolled that attend either a morning or afternoon session. Programs of study include Fire Science/EMT, Criminal Justice, Auto Body, Construction, and many more.This past Saturday, TCD, which is on Swift Road in Addison, had our annual expo and the students participated in a mock crash scenario in the parking lot assisted by the Addison FPD. Last year the Wood Dale FPD donated two vehicles to TCD; a 1980’s vintage Pierce Dash which was x-Engine 68 I believe, and a Ford/Wheeled Coach ambulance. The rigs have now been lettered as TCD rigs with an acknowledgement to Wood Dale.
Andy Hilk photo
Andy Hilk photo
Former Wood Dale FPD fire engine. Andy Hilk photo
Andy Hilk photo
Andy Hilk photo
Former Wood Dale ambulance. Andy Hilk photo
Tags: fire service open house, Technology Center of DuPage, Wood Dale Fire Department, Wood Dale Fire Protection District, Wood Dale FPD donates used apparatus
Updated images and station listings have been completed on the site as follows:
MABAS Division 12:
MABAS Division 13:
MABAS Division 20:
thanks Dennis, John, Josh, and Steve for the images
Tags: Bensenville Fire District, Broadview Fire Department, Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District, Itasca Fire Protection District, Wood Dale Fire Department
Images from Tim Olk from a turndown in Wood Dale.
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tags: fire departmetn live fire training, firemen burn house after training, Tim Olk, Wood Dale Fire Department
Jun 8
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Truck photos | 7 Comments
This from Josh Boyajian:
Bensenville had a fire this morning at 710 E. Green, Victory Auto Wreckers. They had a good amount of fire contained to a pile of cars in the junkyard. Here are some shots I took of some of the rigs there including Wood Dale’s new engine.
Thanks Josh
Bensenville Engine 18.. Josh Boyajian photo
Elmhurst Truck 1. Josh Boyajian photo
Northlake Engine 806. Josh Boyajian photo
Wood Dale Engine 69. Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Bensenville Engine 17, Bensenville Fire Department, Elmhurst Fire Department, fire engine pictures, fire truck photos, fire truck pictures, Josh Boyajian, Northlake Fire Department, Toyne fire engine at fire scene, Wood Dale Fire Department
Apr 12
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos, Site News, updated listing | 1 Comment
Several suburban departments have been updated on the web site:
MABAS Division 1
MABAS Division 3
MABAS Division 4
MABAS Division 10
MABAS Division 12
MABAS Division 16
Images were supplied by Tyler Tobolt, Dennis McGuire, Jr., Jeff Rudolph, Larry Shapiro, Drew Gresik, John Tulipano, and Matt Tessler.
Tags: ambulance photos, Carol Stream Fire District, Dennis McGuire Jr., Downers Grove Ambulance 2, Downers Grove Fire Department, Drew Gresik, fire engine photos, fire truck photos, Glenview Fire Department, Jeff Rudolph, John Tulipano, Larry Shapiro, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District, Luverne fire engine, Matt Tessler, Medtec Ambulance, new engine for Wood Dale, Pierce Dash CF PUC, Schaumburg Fire Department, Skokie Fire Department, Spartan Chassis, Tyler Tobolt, Western Springs Fire Department, Wheeled Coach Type I Firemedic Ambulance, Wood Dale Fire Department, Zion Fire Department
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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