Posts Tagged West Chicago Fire Protection District

West Chicago FPD fire chief to retire

Excerpts from the

A year after Patrick Tanner graduated from Warren High School in 1983, he was back at school,  as an 18-year-old, on-call Gurnee firefighter battling a December blaze that destroyed his alma mater.

A little more than 40 years later, Tanner will retire Jan. 10 as the fire chief at the West Chicago Fire Protection District (WEGO), a position held since November 2014. He spent 19 years as a full-time firefighter with the Highland Park Fire Department, passing his first test at 19 years old. He moved up the ladder as paramedic, lieutenant, deputy chief, and in 2010 was promoted to fire chief, where he served until joining West Chicago as fire chief.

In 2020, Tanner was the founding chief of the K9/Drone Search and Rescue Strike Team, which uses canine officers and drones to search for lost or missing people. Dispatched out of Northbrook, the Search and Rescue Strike Team has members in nine fire departments from Glenview to Tinley Park.
In another collaboration, the West Chicago Fire Protection District is part of the West Suburban Fire/Rescue Alliance, joining departments from Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Glenside (Glendale Heights, Glen Ellyn Countryside), Hanover Park, Roselle, Wheaton, and Winfield in serving more than 300,000 DuPage County residents.
Tanner also helped coordinate logistics for Illinois’ relief response around New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Deputy Chief Jeffery Keefe, who has been with the district since June 2002 ,will be sworn in as the new fire chief.

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New truck for West Chicago FPD (more)

From West Chicago Fire Protection District on Facebook:

Personnel from the West Chicago Fire Protection District are conducting the final inspection of our new ladder truck at the Seagrave Fire Apparatus plant in Clintonville, Wisconsin. Take a sneak peek! Seagrave Fire Apparatus; #FireTruck; #Seagrave; #Aerialscope; #WestChicagoFPD;

West Chicago FPD photo; #FireTruck; #Seagrave; #Aerialscope; #WestChicagoFPD;

West Chicago FPD photo; #FireTruck; #Seagrave; #Aerialscope; #WestChicagoFPD;

West Chicago FPD photo; #FireTruck; #Seagrave; #Aerialscope; #WestChicagoFPD;

West Chicago FPD photo; #FireTruck; #Seagrave; #Aerialscope; #WestChicagoFPD;

West Chicago FPD photo

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Working fire in West Chicago, 5-19-24

This from Daniel Hynd:

West Chicago FPD worked a fire in taxpayer at 116 Main St yesterday, 5-19-24. Originally came in as an AFA, Battalion 6 had heavy smoke from the roof on his arrival. Crews found fire in the cockloft and used hand lines and Wheaton’s tower to get it in check.; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #firechief;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Velocity;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Velocity; #WheatonFD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Ferrara;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce;  #WinfieldFPD; #Sutphen;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #WestChicagoFPD; #DanielHynd; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #EONE; #Cyclone; #CarolStreamFPD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #DanielHynd; #FireTruck; #Pierce;  #WheatonFD;

Daniel Hynd photo

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West Chicago FPD tower ladder for sale

Found at

2010 Pierce 100′ Tower – $395,000
  • Stock#: 18346
  • 2010 Pierce Arow XT RMP
  • GVWR: 82,000
  • Mileage: 97,525
  • Engine Hours: 1,369
  • Detroit Series 60 Diesel Engine
  • Allison 4000 EVS Automatic Transmission
  • Waterous 1500 GPM Side-Mount Pump
  • 300 Gallon Tank
  • Additional equipment not included with purchase unless otherwise listed.; #WestChicagoFPD; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #RMP; #ArrowXT; #forsale;
thanks Martin

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House fire in Roselle, 12-12-23

This from Daniel Hynd:

On December 12th, 2023 at around 2pm, the Roselle Fire Dept responded to a house fire on Long Ave in unincorporated Schaumburg. 

Crews were met with a fully involved, single family home on arrival. Due to limited water supply, tenders from Roselle, West Chicago, Bloomingdale, and Pingree Grove supplied Engine 64 until a hydrant was secured.; #FireTruck; Fire; #EONE;

Daniel Hynd photo; #FireTruck; Fire; #Spartan; #Toyne;#RoselleFD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #firescene; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo

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West Chicago Fire Protection District news

Excerpts from

More than 100 people were displaced and six people including a firefighter were hospitalized after a massive fire engulfed an apartment complex overnight in West Chicago.

Firefighters responded to the 28-unit apartment complex, located on Burr Oaks Drive, at approximately 1 a.m. When crews arrived, they saw two balconies on fire and one unit overtaken by flames. Crews immediately went into rescue mode as some residents, including a pregnant woman, were trapped and forced to jump.

One firefighter was transported to the hospital with smoke exhaustion.

The fire originated in an apartment unit, although the fire is believed to be accidental, the cause remains unknown.

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Fatal fire in West Chicago, 7-8-23

Excerpts from

One person was found dead after a fire early Saturday morning in the 2300-block of Barnhart Street in the Cornerstone Lakes subdivision of West Chicago. The person has not yet been identified, pending notification of next of kin.

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New truck for West Chicago FPD

From the Special Meeting (In-Person) Board of Trustees of the West Chicago Fire Protection District meeting on June 30, 2022 at 200 Fremont St. West Chicago, IL at 7:00 P.M.

New Business

a. Ordinance 2022-O-03. An Ordinance providing for the budget and appropriations of the West Chicago Fire Protection District, DuPage County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2022, and ending May 31, 2023.

b. Ordinance 2022-O-04. An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of a 95ft Seagrave Aerialscope Mid-Mount Platform Truck from Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC, Clintonville, Wisconsin in an amount not to exceed $1,920,640.00.

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New home for West Chicago Rescue 9

This from Dieterich Herndobler:

While browsing, I came across West Chicago’s former Rescue 9. It is now with a fire department in Mesa County, Colorado. Not sure which department as it is still looks like it did with West Chicago FPD.
Former West Chicago FPD Rescue 9


Central Orchard Mesa Volunteer Fire Department – Central Orchard Mesa Station 51 is the home for Brush 52 – 1992 International 4500 / E-One (11008) ARFF – Former West Chicago FPD, IL.


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New engine for West Chicago FPD (more)

Updated production photos of the new engine for West Chicago FPD

Ferrara fire engine being built

Ferrara Fire Apparatus photo

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