Posts Tagged Spartan fire engine at fire scene

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13 (pt 2)

More images from the 2-11 on 75th Street from Josh Boyajian:

here are some of my pictures from the 2-11 yesterday!


fire engine pumping at Chicago FD 2-11 alarm fire

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago Squad 5 Snorkel working at extra alarm fire

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago Squad 5 Snorkel working at extra alarm fire

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Josh Boyajian photo

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

This from Erik Haak:

At 1631hrs on Friday afternoon, the Englewood Fire Alarm Office dispatched a working fire response to 1650 W. 75th Place.  At 1634hrs, Truck 50 confirmed a working fire in a 50×100 1-story ordinary commercial structure.  Truck 50 reported a possible truss roof and almost immediately called for the Still & Box.  Battalion 20 set up defensive operations with Engine 129 operating in sector 1 and Tower Ladder 39 setting up in a lot to the east of the fire building.  Squad 5’s snorkle operated on the parkway to the east of the building as well.  At 1656hrs, 2-2-5 pulled a 2-11.  Tower Ladder 34 was set up to the west of the fire building at the end of Paulina Street.  The first photo taken in my series was shot nearly an hour after the fire started.  The 2-11 was struck out at 1821hrs and companies stayed on scene chasing hot spots until just before 2000hrs.

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Erik Haak photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Erik Haak photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Erik Haak photo

Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 3-15-13

Erik Haak photo

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Chicago 5-11 Alarm + 2 specials 1-22-13 (pt 5)

Tim Olk submitted several images from the fire on Tuesday. Tim’s images show the earliest on-scene images as compared to the other contributors.


Chicago fire engine with ice

Chicago Engine 8 from Chinatown covered with ice. Tim Olk photo

firefighter with ice covered helmet

A firefighter coated with ice from the spray of the master streams. Tim Olk photo

Chicago fire engine at massive fire

Chicago Engine 47 pumping at the scene of the 5-11 Alarm warehouse fire. Tim Olk photo

fire chief at massive fire

A battalion chief surveys the fire from the turntable of Truck 18. Tim Olk photo

silhouette of firefighter

Silhouette of a firefighter on Truck 18’s ladder. Tim Olk photo

firefighter on ladder with fire

A line is taken to the roof of an adjacent building. Tim Olk photo

Pierce ladder truck at fire scene

Truck 18 on the Ashland Avenue overpass is setup to an exposure building. Tim Olk photo

fire department tower ladder at fire sene

Tower Ladder 39 surrounded by flying embers hits the fire with a master stream. Tim Olk photo

massive fire in warehouse at night

Phenomenal fire fully involving the entire structure. TIm Olk photo

Tim has a gallery with substantially more images.

Additionally, there are several images taken today (Wednesday) as companies remain on the scene.

Chicago Fire Department Snorkel

Chicago reserve Snorkel on Ashland Avenue in front of the ice covered ruins of the 5-11 Alarm fire. Tim Olk photo

ruins of massive warehouse fire in Chicago

A tower ladder works at the ruins of the 5-11 alarm fire. Tim Olk photo

ruins of massive warehouse fire in Chicago

Another tower ladder working the day after the fire was detected. Tim Olk photo

There is a separate gallery with follow-up images.

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Chicago 5-11 Alarm + 2 specials 1-22-13 (pt 3)

Larry Shapiro has posted a video from the 5-11 +2 specials

Tim Olk visite the ruins today and submitted these images showing some of the ice sculpture at the scene.

truck covered with ice

Frozen box truck at the scene of the 5-11. Tim Olk photo

ice covered truck

Another truck cab that was covered with ice and is located behind the fire building. Tim Olk photo



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Chicago 5-11 Alarm + 2 specials 1-22-13 (pt 2)

From Josh Boyajian:

Here are my pictures from last night!
large nighttime fire in CHicago

Tower Ladder 5 was in a spare apparatus last night. They were at the corner of Sectors 1 and 4. Josh Boyajian photo

big fire at night in Chicago

Sector 1 fully involved. Josh Boyajian photo

firefighter putting water onto huge fire

A deck gun in use from Engine 49. Josh Boyajian photo

firefighters work at nighttime fire

A view looking at Sector 1 from the Ashland Avenue Frontage Road. Josh Boyajian photo

master streams at fire

A multi-versal works by Engines 49 and 8, both of which are operating deck guns. Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago fire engine at large fire

Engine 29 from deploys a deck gun at 36th Street and the west frontage road of Avenue. Josh Boyajian photo

huge building on fire in Chicago

A view from underneath the Ashland Avenue bridge looking down 38th Street after a portion of the fire building collapsed. Josh Boyajian photo

From Jeff Rudolph:

Some pics from last night, Jeff R
large warehouse fire in Chicago

Huge fire seen in Sector 3 well after the interior collapsed. Jeff Rudolph photo

firefighter covered with ice

A firefighter from Engine 8 coated with ice. Jeff Rudolph photo

firefighting Snorkel silhouette

Squad 1A with a master stream in Sector 3. Jeff Rudolph photo

large warehouse fire in Chicago

Truck 33 with an elevated master stream in Sector 3. Jeff Rudolph photo

black and white photo of fire engine covered with ice

Engine 8 icing up in Sector 1. Jeff Rudolph photo

large fire scene silhouetted firefighters

Firefighters on Truck 33 in the rear. Jeff Rudolph photo


ABC Chicago has an article HERE.

A Chicago Fire Department spokesman said a southside warehouse that caught fire Tuesday night will be a total loss.

“Totally involved. … This is a major fire,” read a message posted to Twitter at about 9:50 p.m. Moments later there was a message that a portion of the structure had collapsed.

Firefighters were in “defensive mode” in attacking the fire in a building on the 3700 block of South Ashland Avenue, spokesman Larry Langford said.

But despite his initial, confident remark that the fire would be isolated, flames spread to at least one nearby building. The owner of a printing company, at 3801 S. Ashland Ave., was on the scene and expressed concerns about chemicals inside that could explode.


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Chicago 5-11 Alarm + 2 specials 1-22-13

There will be several posts with information and images from multiple contributors depicting the 5-11 with 2 Special Alarms that occurred Tuesday night at 3757 S. Ashland Avenue.

In the meantime, here are a few images of the scene from Larry Shapiro.

5-11 alarm warehouse fire in Chicago 1-22-13 at 3757 S. Ashland Avenue

The roof is in and heavy fire is seen throughout the building as viewed from the corner of Sectors 1 and 4. Larry Shapiro photo

heavy fire big warehouse fire in Chicago

Several deck guns work in Sector 1 from Engines 8 and 49. Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago fire engine at large nighttime fire scene Spartan Luverne Crimson

Engine 16 was being fed by an in-line operation supplying water to companies working in Sector 3. Larry Shapiro photo

large fire scene silhouetted firefighters

Firefighters monitor the elevated master stream working in Sector 3 off of Truck 33. Larry Shapiro photo

firefighting Snorkel silhouette

Squad 1A was working for several hours in Sector 3. Larry Shapiro photo

fireman firefighter covered with ice at winter fire

What would a winter fire in Chicago be without firefighters encased in ice. Larry Shapiro photo

turret wagon flowing water at large fire in Chicago

6-7-6 was special called to the scene and put to work in Sector 1. Larry Shapiro photo

Images to come will be from Tim Olk, Steve Redick, Jeff Rudolph, Josh Boyajian, Dan McInerney and additional images from Larry Shapiro. Videos from Steve and Larry are also forthcoming.

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