Posts Tagged Niles Fire Department

New engine for Niles FD (more)

From the Pierce Flickr site:

Pierce, Niles FD, IL, 38917-1; #FireTruck; #Pirece; #Enforcer; #PUC; #pumper; #NilesFD;

Pierce composite

thanks Martin

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New engine for Niles FD (more)

From RB:

Sneek peek – 38917 Niles 1st Enforcer; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

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New engine for Niles FD (more)

Completed photos of the new engine for Niles FD

Niles Engine 2; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

Josh Boyajian photo; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

Josh Boyajian photo

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Niles fire Department news

Excerpts from; #NilesFD; #RichardScipione;

Niles FD Acting Chief Richard  Scipione

Acting Niles Fire Chief Robert Greiner notified village officials he was retiring immediately last Friday (Dec. 13), leading to the appointment of District Chief Rich Scipione as acting fire chief. 

Greiner spent more than 24 years with the Niles Fire Dept. He has been a firefighter for 30 years. 

Niles Mayor George Alpogianis said Greiner did not give a reason for stepping down. He said Greiner submitted his letter of resignation at 4:40 p.m. Dec. 13, to be effective at 5 p.m. that day. 

Scipione has been a Niles firefighter since 2002. As district chief, part of Scipione’s duties was overseeing emergency medical service operations.  

The village has contacted the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association to assist in the search for a permanent chief.  

Greiner’s sudden retirement comes on the heels of the retirement of Chief Marty Feld on Sunday, Nov. 30 after more than 38 years as a Niles firefighter and chief since 2017. When Feld retired, Greiner was named acting chief.

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New engine for Niles FD

Excerpts from

New Business:

A. Fire Chief Feld informed the group that public works would be asking for board approval to purchase a 2028 fire engine at July’s 23rd Village Board Meeting. This engine is a part of the Village’s CIP for fiscal year 2029 and would be placing the 2015 Pierce engine into reserve status.

B. Fire Chief Feld informed the group that at the August 27th, 2024, Village Board Meeting, public works would be requesting a change order for the fire engine in production (Approved by the Village of Niles Board of Trustees meeting on April 27, 2022). The intent to purchase had a not to exceed $889,000 threshold. The pre-construction review has led to a price which is $6,060.00 dollars over the not to exceed amount. It was explained to the committee that there were 11 pages of changes/addition/deletions to the original proposal which resulted in the need for a change order of $6,060 dollars.

thanks Martin

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New ambulance for Niles

From Niles FD facebook

Earlier this morning, a brand new ambulance was put in-service replacing Ambulance 3 which was nine years old and had over 125,000 miles on it. Our new Ambulance 3 has cutting edge suspension which will allow for a smoother ride for those transported in the patient compartment. Thanks to all those NFD members who worked tirelessly to bring Ambulance 3 from concept to fruition.; #NilesFD; #ambulance;

Niles FD photo; #NilesFD; #ambulance;

Niles FD photo; #NilesFD; #ambulance;

Niles FD photo

thanks Danny

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New ambulance for Niles

From Foster Coach Sales on Facebook; #FosterCoachSales; #ambulance; #Type1; #Horton; #NilesFD;

Foster Coach Sales photo; #FosterCoachSales; #ambulance; #Type1; #Horton; #NilesFD;

Foster Coach Sales photo; #FosterCoachSales; #ambulance; #Type1; #Horton; #NilesFD;

Foster Coach Sales photo

thanks Martin

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Niles Fire Department news

Excerpts from

A man and his family had an emotional exchange recently afternoon with firefighters from the Niles Fire Department who saved his life two weeks ago.

On Dec. 22, Christopher Szafraniec was going about a normal day at work, when he suffered a heart attack on the job. 911 was called and firefighters arrived within minutes. Szafraniec’s heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital.

“After the first minute or two, we got a pulse back after we shocked the patient once. [The] patient woke up and we advised him what happened,” a firefighter said. “The second time, [the] patient did code in route to Lutheran general. We shocked him a second time, got a pulse back, and [he] was awake.”

Since his close call, Szafraniec said he has made an amazing recovery and credits the Niles firefighters for their quick actions during his medical emergency.

“The doctor was saying whoever was doing compressions saved my life,” Szafraniec said. “But to be able to come back and thank these men, it’s an honor.”

“Every doctor that came into the room reinforced you truly are a miracle,” added Patty Szafraniec, Christopher’s wife. “10% people make it through what he went through.”

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Niles Fire Department history

This from Larry Shapiro for #TBT:; #FireTruck; #larryshapiro;; #Pierce; #TDA; #NilesFireDepartment;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Box Alarm fire near Des Plaines, 12-2-22 (more)

Some photos from Larry Shapiro of the Box Alarm fire near Des Plaines, 12-2-22; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #DesPlainesFD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD;   #FireTruck; #Spartan; #MetroStar;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #DesPlainesFD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #DesPlainesFD; #MinasKlikas; #Firefighters;

Larry Shapiro photo

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