This from Eric Haak:
Here are some images from a 2-11 alarm fire early Sunday morning. This fire was literally a half block south of Engine 109’s house on Kedzie. A few months back, Engine 109 had an extra-alarm fire directly across from their quarters. This morning’s fire was in an auto repair shop which was a newly constructed two-story in the front connected to an old truss roof one-story in the rear. The total building size was about 40×100 but the fire was contained primarily to the rear section which was 40×25. Five handlines were used in the alley along with one that was brought up Truck 32 to the roof of a neighboring building to the north. One multi-versal was used through the front overhead door and Tower Ladder 5 was put to work on Kedzie. Images seen here were taken approximately 35 minutes in. All four box engines were pumping with 99 in the alley, 109 in sector A, 107 to the south on Kedzie, and 38 in front of 109’s quarters which was kind of odd to see.