This from Steve Redick:
100 block of N Wisner Tuesday evening … apparently there were workers on the roof and they were reporting the fire. As I arrived the horns were being sounded to evacuate , and it sounds like all the searches had been completed. Fire was showing from the rear attic area … but due to the setting sun and access problems it was difficult to shoot. The tower ladder was put to work as well as some exterior handlines, and the exposures were well covered. I was able to finally see the North Maine rebuild, and Desplaines had the E1 (which I think may be a spare) working a large diameter supply line to Park Ridge. It was over pretty quick but caused a lot of damage and a good part of the roof was burned through. I have posted the video here.

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo