Posts Tagged Chicago fire trucks at fire scene

Working fire in Chicago, 12-1-19

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Chicago had a working fire on the northwest side Sunday morning @ 2230 N Narragansett 12-1-19. Engine Co. 125 had a fire in the walls and attic in a 1.5 sty frame house. Two lines were lead out during the fire. Truck 53 and Squad 2 cut numerous holes in the roof. Looked to be a real labor intensive fire.  Engine 125 is still in a spare engine after their crash many months ago. I hear that they are going to get their regular assigned E-One back in the coming week or so.

Engines 125 – 68
Trucks 53 – 58
Battalion 8
WRKF – RIT Battalion 7, RIT Truck 57, Squad 2, 2-7-2
Firefighters vent roof during a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters vent roof during a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD spare engine

Chi-Town Fire Photos

back of fire engine with hose

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighter with dirty face after a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighter with dirty face after a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighter with dirty face after a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Still and Box Alarm in Chicago, 10-8-18

This from Dan McInerney:

I was downtown for the marathon, when a Still and Box alarm and EMS Plan 1 came in just after 1pm for the subway fire on the CTA Red line at 230 S. State St. E1 and AT1 went down to check and found nothing; the radio traffic indicated there was a malfunction with one of the el cars, but no smoke/fire. Due to the marathon taking place, there was a significant police response along with the usual compliment of fire apparatus. 
Chicago FD  Truck 1

Dan McInerney photo

Chicago FD  Truck 1

Dan McInerney photo

 Chicago FD Squad 1

Dan McInerney photo

Chicago FD  Engine 1

Dan McInerney photo

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire, 11-5-17 (more)

This from Josh Boyajian:

Yesterday the 3rd Battalion was back at the ruins of the 2-11 and had a fire in the D side exposure building. The address was 693 N Milwaukee. Companies had a fire on the 3rd floor, they made an interior attack but were pushed out and went defensive. Companies on the fire. E14 – E30 – T19 – T3 – S1 – BC3 – RIT T32 & BC1 – 271 – 5-1-5 – 2-2-1

Chicago FD Engine 14

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago fire trucks af fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago fire trucks af fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Special Operations Battalion Chief

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Squad 1A

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Squad 1A

Josh Boyajian photo

African American Chicago FD Battalion Chief

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Squad 1

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Squad 1A

Josh Boyajian photo

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Working fire in Chicago, 6-23-17

This from Eric Haak:

The 24th Battalion had a small fire Thursday afternoon (6/23) at 11006 S. Green Bay Road. Although I knew the fire was going to be out long before I could get there, I continued in to get some images of a few rigs that don’t go to work too often.

Chicago FD Engine 104

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 104

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 74

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 74

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Truck 61

Eric Haak photo

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Chicago Still & Box Alarm fire, 2-15-16

This from Eric Haak:

It was a very busy early morning for southside companies on Monday (2/15).  At approximately 1:30 there was a fatal pin-in accident at 85th and the Dan Ryan.  Around the same time, Engine 49 landed at 43rd and Packers for an automatic alarm to find a light haze in an industrial building.  This was eventually be elevated to a still and box with stacks of cardboard burning but being held in check by the sprinkler system.  Companies were at that address for over three hours.

At 3:45 Engine 101 landed with a working fire at 76th and Artesian.  One hour later there was another still and box at 5141 S. Princeton which is where these images were taken.  Due to battalion chiefs being committed at both earlier fires, Battalion 7 was the still chief at this incident.  There were several frozen hydrants and the fire did spread to the occupied home on the “D” side.  The original fire building was a frame house that had been converted to a church.  I could not confirm but I believe the spare is Engine 122.  The other box engine was Engine 5.

fire from the attic of a house at night

Eric Haak photo

Chicago fire scene at night

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 60

Eric Haak photo

fire hose in the snow

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 16

Eric Haak photo

Chciago spare fire engine at fire scene

Eric Haak photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

Eric Haak photo

firemen overhaul after back porches burned in Chicago

Eric Haak photo

Chicago fire scene at night

Eric Haak photo

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Working Fire in a Chicago high rise, 1-1-16

This from Josh Boyajian:

Chicago Companies had a small fire on the 2nd floor of a 10 sty building this afternoon @ 111 s Morgan. Not a lot to see but here are some shots.
Chicago FD Engine 5 on a hydrant

Josh Boyajian photo

smoke from Chicago high-rise

Josh Boyajian photo

old Seagrave fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago FD Engine 5

Josh Boyajian photo

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire, 12-21-15 (more)

More from Steve Redick at the 2-11 Alarm Fire at 3057 N. Rockwell 12/21/15

This from Steve:

a video of the series of images I shot at the time of collapse

And the from Steve:

3057 N Rockwell Monday night. An occupied commercial building with an operable sprinkler system. I arrived just after the first 2-11 units and observed a moderate smoke condition. They did have the sprinkler system siamese supplied, and based on fireground traffic felt the sprinkler system was doing some good. Members put a lot of effort into removing the glass block windows in the front of the building. Conditions soon changed and the fire advanced throughout the building. There was a sudden collapse as the snorkel was being positioned. No damage to members or rigs.
A note with these images and video. I did not have my usual camera equipment with me so this was all shot on an Iphone and an old digital point and shoot. The quality is not up to my usual standards, but lousy photos are better than no photos right?
massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

Radio traffic from the fire

Audio Player

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire, 12-21-15 (more)

Images from Gordon J. Nord, Jr. from the 2-11 Alarm fire at 3057 N. Rockwell Street 12/21/15

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo

More of Gordon’s photos are at

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire, 12-21-15 (more)

Images from Tim Olk of the 2-11 Alarm fire at 3057 N Rockwell 12/21/15

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

Chicago chiefs posing at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago firefighters posing at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Tim Olk photo

More photos from Tim at

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire, 12-21-15 (more)

Images and video from Steve Redick of the 2-11 Alarm fire at 3057 N. Rockwell (12-21-15)

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Steve Redick photo

massive building fire scene in Chicago at night

Front wall collapse. Steve Redick photo

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