From Brent Saba:
I have one of the largest Chicago fire patch collections. Thought I’d share
Dec 31
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia, Patch, Reader submission | 1 Comment
From Brent Saba:
I have one of the largest Chicago fire patch collections. Thought I’d share
Tags: Brent Saba, CFD company patches, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches
Sep 27
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia, Patch | 1 Comment
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
New company patches added to
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Tags: CFD company patch, chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Engine 35/Truck 28 Bucktown Brigade company patch, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire department patches
This from Asher Heimermann:
I’m updating my patch collection and I’m wondering if I’m missing any patches from the Chicago Fire Department?
Please let me know in the comments or reach out to me via my Incident Response Facebook pageThank you.
Chicago FD Engine 77 company patch
Chicago FD Engine 78 company patch
Chicago FD Engine 88 company patch
Chicago FD EMS patch
Tags: CFD company patches, Chicago FD EMS patch, Chicago FD Engine 77 company patch, Chicago FD Engine 78 company patch, Chicago FD Engine 88 company patch, Chicago Fire Department patches
This from Asher Heimermann:
I have collected 65 shoulder patches from Illinois fire departments. To view the patches, click:
In addition to patches from fire departments around Illinois, I’ve obtained 42 patches from CFD stations and divisions. To view those patches, click:
Tags: Asher Heimermann, CFD company patches, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches, fire department patches
Sep 30
Posted by bgshap in Fire Service News, Patch, Reader submission, updated listing | 5 Comments
Thanks to Josh Boyajian for submitting several CFD company patches that were missing from the site.
Here are 4 new CFD patches I have collected in the past month that are missing from the site! Also here is a picture of my Chicago patch collection that I have. Hope you like! Thanks,
The following patches have been added:
Josh Boyajian’s collection of Chicago Fire Department company patches.
one of the new company patches added to the site
Tags: CFD company patches, CFD patches, Chicago Engien 74, Chicago Engine 101, Chicago Engine 65, Chicago Engine 89, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches, fire department patches, Josh Boyajian
Sep 15
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History | 6 Comments
… and after being torn down
- E77 on September 9, 2012. Demo complete, views from both north and south. Notice condition of the house to the south at 1226 S. Komensky. House has been rehabbed and is currently occupied. Almost 90 year old firehouse to the north is gone.
- E77 is one of the last of it’s kind. The last single engine house was built in the early 50’s (E113- the ‘next company over” from 77). There are only a handful of single company firehouses in Chicago anymore, let alone single company houses with the history of actvity E77 saw during it’s heyday. For awhile, it had a reputation as a punishment house, on the outskirts of the city, where department brass “bansihed” firemen it disliked. But with many firehouses like it, Engine 77 consistently turned out experienced, seasoned firefighters that were promoted out of the house to pass on the lessons they learned.
- E77 on 10/24/07
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Journal 1 shows the company journal entry when me grandfather retired (mandatory after 35 years apparently).
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
My father, Donald McInerney, as a young boy used to visit his father at the firehouse. He used to call his dad “ball driver”. Shortly after John J. was promoted to Engineer, E77 had an Ahrens-Fox pumper assigned to it, and it had the distinctive chrome shpere on the front, hence the name “ball driver”.
Family lore has it that my grandfather met his future wife one day at E103’s firehouse. She saw him going down the street on an alarm, and came by the firehuose afterwards to complain that she didn’t like the way he was treating the horses.
E77’s last company patch. I’ll leave it to the viewers to report how they got the phrase “I Like It Here”
Dan McInerney collection
I posted many more pics on my facebook page “”. If blog viewers wish, they can go there and view pics from E77’s last day in service as well as other fire pics I have uploaded to my facebook page.
Tags: CFD company patches, Chicago Engine 77, Chicago Fire Department Engine 77's house, Chicago Fire Department patches, Dan McInerney, tour of Chicago Engine 77's house the day it was closed
Sep 14
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History | 8 Comments
More from Dan McInerney about Engine 77’s house on the day it was closed. Descriptions for these images:
- several shots of the bunk room
- the officer’s room
- the locker room
- their last company patch
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Tags: CFD company patches, CFD patches, Chicago Engine 77, Chicago Fire Department Engine 77's house, Chicago Fire Department patches, Dan McInerney, tour of Chicago Engine 77's house the day it was closed
Mar 12
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission, updated listing | 1 Comment
The last group of patches from the collection of Alexander Alexandrovski for the 6th District are for companies in the 22nd Battalion.
Engine Company 62, Truck Company 27, Battalion 22
Engine Company 93, Ambulance 60
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago Ambulance 60, Chicago Battalion 22, Chicago Engine 115, Chicago Engine 62, Chicago Engine 93, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department 6th District, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Truck 27
Mar 11
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission | Comments off
The first of two groups of patches added in the 6th District begins with a district-wide patch representing all of the battalions. There are also a couple of patches for companies in the 21st and 23rd Battalions.
Engine Company 126, Truck Company 49, Ambulance 50
Engine Company 72, Tower Ladder 34, Ambulance 22
These patches are from the collection of Alexander Alexandrovski.
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago Ambulance 22, Chicago Ambulance 50, Chicago Engine 126, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department 6th District, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Tower Ladder 34, Chicago Truck 40, Chicago Truck 49
Mar 10
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission | Comments off
A couple of patches were added to companies in the 1st District. A patch for Engine 30 that matches the rig decal has now been added and another version of the HIT patch is on the page with Engine 22 and 5-1-1. These are also from Alexander Alexandrovski.
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago Engine 22, Chicago Engine 30, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Haz Mat 5-1-1
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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