Posts Tagged Buffalo Grove Fire Department

New engine for Buffalo Grove FD

From the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:

Congratulations and Thank You to Chief Mike Baker, Deputy Chief Bill Wagner, and the apparatus committee of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department on the recent order of their new E-ONE Typhoon eMAX rescue pumper.  This new apparatus is the 4th E-ONE purchased by this busy department, and will come complete with the following options:
Cummins L9 450 HP engine
Allison EVS3000 transmission
Extruded aluminum body with 2-arm hydraulic ladder rack
780-gallon water tank
E-ONE 1500-GPM pump
Whelen emergency warning light package
Smart Power 10kw hydraulic generator
Wil-burt light tower
FireTech HiViz LED scene lights
We appreciate the continued support and look forward to adding this unit to their fleet of E-ONE apparatus.


drawing of a new E-ONE Typhoon eMAX rescue pumper for the Buffalo Grove FD in Illinois

click to download


drawing of a new E-ONE Typhoon eMAX rescue pumper for the Buffalo Grove FD in Illinois

click to download


drawing of a new E-ONE Typhoon eMAX rescue pumper for the Buffalo Grove FD in Illinois

click to download

thanks Danny

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Car fire in Buffalo Grove, 4-27-21

From John Kleeman:

Van fire in front of 731 Wyngate Lane in Buffalo Grove late in the afternoon on 4/27/21

Chrysler minivan destroyed by fire

John Kleeman photo

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Where are they now … Buffalo Grove

From Dennis Maag:

St. Marys, KS – Ladder 37
1991 Emergency One Hush #8893 1000-GPM (American)/500/75′
6V92/Allison Automatic
Ex-Buffalo Grove, IL
former Buffalo Grove FD quint

Dennis Maag photo

And from our archives:

1991 E-ONE Hush 75' quint

Larry Shapiro photo

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-1-21 (more)

Additional images of the House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-1-21 from John Kleeman

flames and smoke from roof of a house

John Kleeman photo

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-1-21 (more)

Photos from Larry Shapiro of the House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-1-21

Ferrara Inferno tower ladder at fire scene

House fire at 605 Patton Drive in Buffalo Grove, IL 2-1-21. Larry Shapiro photo

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-1-21

Northwest Central Dispatch received a call around noon on Monday (2/1/21) from a resident reporting a neighbor’s house on fire at 605 Patton Drive in Buffalo Grove. Arriving fire companies had flames and heavy smoke through the roof of a small, split-level house. The first unit on scene, Tower 25, initiated a transitional attack from the rear of the house as other companies arrived and began pulling additional lines. Buffalo Grove engine 26 and Arlington Heights Engine 4 were the next to arrive followed by Palatine Engine 82, several ambulances, and chief officers. 

Three hand lines were stretched for an interior attack of the fire that was in the attic and second floor, the bulk of which was extinguished within about 15 minutes.

Additional units at the scene were Buffalo Grove Battalion 4, Chief 400, Chief 401, Chief 408, Arlington Heights Battalion 1, Long Grove Battalion 55, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51, Long Grove Squad 55, Prospect Heights Engine 9, Buffalo Grove Squad 25, Arlington Heights Ambulance 4, plus Buffalo Grove Ambulances 25, 26, and 28.


smoke and flames from the roof of a house

Larry Shapiro photo



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New tower ladder for Buffalo Grove (more)

From the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:

Chief Mike Baker of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department talks about their new E-ONE HP 100 quint platform and how it will help serve their community in this episode of Truck Talk. Features include 100′ platform, 300-gallon tank, 2000-gpm pump, EMS cabinet, slide out trays and V-MUX multiplex monitor system. #EONEstrength#firetruck#aerials#HP100


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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 1-5-21

Buffalo Grove police and firefighters were called to 134 Golfview Terrace Tuesday afternoon (1/5/21) for a reported house fire. Police officers were first on the scene and said there were flames through the roof. Buffalo Grove Battalion 4 upgraded the alarm to a Code 4 working fire based on the police report. The header was visible from a distance of at least a mile away. Tower Ladder 25 was the first fire company on the scene followed by Arlington Heights Engine 4. The first attack line was taken to the rear and quickly darkened the fire that was burning on the outside of the house. A second line went inside.

Ferrara Inferno tower ladder at house fire

Larry Shapiro photo

smoke and flames from house on fire

Larry Shapiro photo

As additional companies arrived, two more hand lines were pulled and the balance of the fire was extinguished.



Units at the scene included Buffalo Grove Tower 25, Engine 27, Ambulance 25, Battalion 4, 408, 401, MobileCom, and Squad 25. Out of town companies included Arlington Heights Engine 4, Arlington Heights Battalion 1, Rolling Meadows Quint 15, Palatine Engine 82, Prospect Heights Engine 9, Long Grove Tanker 55, Long Grove Battalion 55, a Barrington ambulance and chief, Libertyville Squad 462, plus ambulances from Lake Forest and Nunda Rural FPD.

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New tower ladder for Buffalo Grove (more)

2020 E-ONE Cyclone HP100 platform aerial

John Kleeman photo

From the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:

Congratulations Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighters and Paramedics Local 3177 on the recent delivery of a new 2020 E-ONE 100′ platform aerial.

We are extremely proud to provide dependable emergency vehicles for your community! We appreciate your continued trust & loyalty!!

Specs: Cyclone chassis, Cummins X12 500HP engine, Hale QMAX 2000-GPM pump, 300-gal. booster tank, & Whelen LED lighting package.

2020 E-ONE Cyclone HP100 platform aerial

Fire Service, Inc. photo

From the Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighters and Paramedics Local 3177 Facebook page:

Buffalo Grove Firefighters got quite the present on Tuesday! BGFD took delivery of our new Tower 25. Getting a piece of equipment this important is a several year process and involves an enormous amount of research, design, and travel by the Apparatus Committee. We want to thank Village President Sussman, the members of the Village Board, Village Manager Bragg, and Fire Chief Baker for their continued support. Be on the look out for Tower 25 on the streets of Buffalo Grove in the coming weeks!


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Working fire in Arlington Heights, 12-6-20

Arlington Heights firefighters were sent to the Christian Church of Arlington Heights at 333 W Thomas Street Sunday afternoon for an activated fire alarm. Companies arrived to find heavy fire inside the building and the alarm was upgraded to a Code 4 working fire. The fire was extinguished within 10 minutes. Smoke was visible from separate areas of the building and companies had trouble pulling interior ceiling that were wood so Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights firefighters were sent to the roof to ventilate. 

Arlington Heights units were assisted by firefighters from Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, Palatine, and Rolling Meadows plus a Prospect Heights battalion chief.

Pierce Quantum fire engine at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo


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