Posts Tagged Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25

3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 (more)

Additional photos of the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 from Larry Shapiro; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #ShaunUnell;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #3-Alarmfire; #LeParcCirclefire; #smoke; #flames; #engulfed; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #LakeForestFD;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Working fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-20-25

This from Larry Shapiro:

Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were dispatched for an oven fire this afternoon (2/20/25) in a townhome at 223 Thornapple Court. Arriving police officers advised of a larger fire, and with smoke visbile at the front door, the alarm was upgraded to a working fire. Firefighters advanced a line inside and made quick work of knocking down the fire.

Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Palatine, and Long Grove assisted at the scene.; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene; #EONE;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene; #firefighters; #ShawnCollins;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo

This was the first fire for Long Grove Engine 55 which was put into service this week.

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Apartment fire in Palatine, 2-5-25

From Jimmy Bolf:

Palatine, IL Code 4 Apartment Fire 2/5/25; #PalatineFD; #firescene; #firefighter; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #PalatineFD; #firescene; #firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-20-24

Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to a house on Middleton Court Tuesday afternoon. On arrival they had smoke pushing out of the front door and roof vent. The alarm was upgraded to a working fire bringing mutual aid companies to the scene from Long Grove, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, and Arlington Heights. Additional companies moved into Buffalo Grove fire stations. 

It appeared to be a room and contents fire that was extending into the hallway when firefighters made their interior attack.; #larryshapiro;;;

Larry Shapiro photo


Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD; #EONE; #Typhoon; #e-MAX;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD; #EONE; #Cyclone; #HP95; #towerladder;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Crash with car fire in the Prospect Heights Fire District, 11-1-23

Firefighters from Buffalo Grove, Prospect Heights, and Wheeling along with police officers from Buffalo Grove and the Cook County Sheriff’s Police responded to a reported car fire Wednesday night near Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road. The police arrived first and reported a vehicle fully engulfed by fire on Buffalo Grove Road at East Park Place, which is almost a quarter of a mile south of Dundee Road in a small area of unincorporated Cook County that is within the Prospect Heights Fire District (PHFD).; #buffaloGroveFD; #ProspectHeightsFD; #crashscene; #carfire; #carengulfedbyfire;

passerby photo

The area which is without hydrants, is served through an agreement between the PHFD and Buffalo Grove. The initial response included Prospect Heights Battalion 9 with Ambulance 9 along with Buffalo Grove Tower 25. While en route, Battalion 9 requested a second engine after the report of a well-involved car fire and Wheeling Engine 24 was added to the response.  A Buffalo Grove ambulance was sent at the request of Tower 25 upon their arrival and the discovery of a two-vehicle crash. Prospect Heights Tanker 9 was added to the response in lieu of using a several block supply line as it became evident that the tank water from both the tower and the engine was not going to be sufficient.; #E-ONE; #EONEStrength; #Cyclone; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD; #larryshapiro;; #crashscene;

Larry Shapiro photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #larryshapiro;; #crashscene; #carfire; #firefighters; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Larry Shapiro photo

The car’s occupant self extricated and it appeared that the driver of the pickup truck may have fled the scene before the police arrived. One person was transported to the hospital and several others signed releases at the scene.; #BuffaloGroveFD; #larryshapiro;; #crashscene; #carfire; #firefighters; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #BuffaloGroveFD; #larryshapiro;; #crashscene; #carfire; #firefighters; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Larry Shapiro photo; #E-ONE; #EONEStrength; #Cyclone; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD; #larryshapiro;;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Buffalo Grove Fire Department Open House (more)

This from Michael Maida:

I went to the open house in Buffalo Grove and was able to get a few rig shots.
Mike; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Michael Maida photo; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Michael Maida photo; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Michael Maida photo; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Michael Maida photo; #FireTruck; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Michael Maida photo

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Crash with entrapment in Buffalo Grove, 7-31-23

Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were dispatched to the intersection of Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road Monday evening (7/31/23) for a child on a bicycle that was trapped underneath a van. Once on scene the incident was upgraded to an entrapment response for additional personnel. Firefighters from Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights raised the van from the victim’s leg and removed the child who was conscious.; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #ambulance; #Freightliner; #Horton

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #FireTruck; #EONE; #E-ONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #entrapment;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #FireTruck; #EONE; #E-ONE; #EONEStrength;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #battalionchief;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGrovePD; #policecar;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Box alarm fire in Palatine, 3-19-23

Palatine firefighters responded for a report of smoke on the third floor of an apartment building at 12 E Dundee Quarter late Sunday afternoon (3-19-23).  Palatine police officers reported smoke and then flames from the roof and the response was upgraded to a Code 4 working fire.

Palatine crews made an interior attack with two lines on the third floor and performed searches of the building. Unable to get ahead of the volume of fire overhead and in the mansard roof in addition to deteriorating conditions, firefighters were evacuated from the building to transition to a defense attack. As personnel was exiting the building, a Mayday was called by a firefighter on a balcony that was unable to exit via the interior. He successfully descended a ground ladder.

The fire circumvented the fire wall and eventually made it’s way into the adjacent building which sustained heavy damage to the roof and third floor. There were multiple collapses of the original building.

Palatine Tower 85, Buffalo Grove Tower 25, and Arlington Heights Tower 1 all deployed master streams.; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #firefighters;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Crimson;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Crimson;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #PalatineFD; #mansardroof; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter;

Larry Shapiro photo

Many area departments were on the scene including Palatine, Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, Lake Zurich, Barrington, Inverness, Hoffman Estates, Rolling Meadows, and the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD. This list very likely does not represent every department that responded.

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-12-23

Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to 691 Checker Road at 8:30 Sunday evening (3-12-23) for a reported fire in a second floor bedroom. While en route, companies were advised by NWCD that a neighbor reported fire on the roof, and then another reported fire on the side of the house. Upon arrival, Battalion 4 reported heavy fire and requested the Code 4 upgrade. Buffalo Grove companies worked from the exterior and then the interior to knockdown the fire while performing searches throughout. They were assisted at the scene by units from Long Grove, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, Wheeling, Arlington Heights, Northbrook, and Buffalo Grove EMA with MobileComm.; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #housefire;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #housefire;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #housefire;

Larry Shapiro photo

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House fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-25-22

On Thursday, 8-25-22 just after 6PM, Buffalo Grove and Long Grove firefighters were sent to 2112 Brandywyn Lane where residents reported a burning odor with light smoke visible. On arrival, Buffalo Grove Engine 27 requested an upgrade to the Working Fire after confirming light smoke visible. Firefighters then entered the house which was charged with smoke. They found fire and not long after reported a hole in the first floor. Reports stated that the fire may have originated in the basement.

Units at the scene were Buffalo Grove Tower 25, Engines 26 and 27, Ambulances 25 and 26, Battalion 4, 408, and 401. Mutual aid included Long Grove Squad 55 and Battalion 55, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51, Ambulance 51, and Battalion 51, Mundelein Ambulance 432, Prospect Heights Squad 9, Elk Grove Village Tower 8, and Buffalo Grove MobileComm.; #larryshapiro;; #BuffaloGroveFD; #housefire;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #firetrucks; #BuffaloGroveFD; #Ferrara;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #firetrucks; #BuffaloGroveFD; #EONE; #EONEStrength; #Cyclone;

Larry Shapiro photo

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