Posts Tagged 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 6-7-19

3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19 (more)

This from Steve Redick 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19:

Took this in about 0400 Friday morning, a huge vacant department store. This was an anchor to the old Roseland neighborhood at one time. An unusual building in that it was on a hill. It looked like 2 stories in the front but was 3 stories in the rear, attached to a 5 story as well as numerous other commercial vacants. Windowless upper floors made stream penetration difficult at best. This was a long stand that resulted in the demolition of the fire buildings. I had my passport stamped twice on the way there .. .once at Madison St and again at 79th St. More photos are HERE.
3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

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3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19 (more)

More on the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19

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