This from Drew Gresik:
Hey guys,I took in the 2-11 this morning at 1433 S Kenneth. I arrived roughly 50 minutes into the incident, and at the time, the incident was a Still and Box. After being on scene for about 10 minutes, 2-2-1 requested a 2-11 Alarm for the heavy fire pushing throughout. A lot of commissioners took this one in too, including 2-1-3, Commissioner Jose Santiago. This fire also occurred during shift change so there were a lot of firefighters switching into gear and moving rigs around. Another interesting note is that there was a LOT of spare rigs at this incident, companies with spares include: Towers 5 and 14, Trucks 26 and 36, and another Truck and Engine (I think Engine 109 and Truck 29). Thanks, enjoy the pics!Drew GresikmPS Tower 5 was using E252 and Tower 14 was using E248. (Tower 5 backed into the vacant lot in Sector 4 and took over master stream ops for Tower 14…Squad 2’s Snorkel was also used as a master stream). E279 was being used by Truck 26 and was also in the lot next to the towers.
#1 by RJA on May 25, 2013 - 10:22 PM
I might be late in asking this, but why is T-26 using that pos segrave? Where is their assigned truck or what happened to it? All recent videos and pic show them in a spare.
#2 by Mike G on May 25, 2013 - 7:59 AM
while I am not from the Chicago area, i do have an interest, would anyone know what the last new engine co’s placed in service are (E60-E65?) maybe 2010, not sure on E23 it still shows the older ALF and what are the newest ladders put into service (L11?) not sure what year the last lad co were placed. Are there any new Engines or Ladders on order? or in the future? I have been following the threads on the Squads and TL’s. Thank you great site
#3 by KB on May 24, 2013 - 8:51 PM
You are correct, Tower 5 has been using that particular spare tower for the past two months. However, for four and a half months before that, they had a different spare tower (E264). Tower 5 has had a spare in some capacity for nearly seven months!!! That is absolute insanity. Currently, Tower 5’s American LaFrance is sitting in the shops with only the bumper off. I have heard that there are only minor bumper fixes which they are waiting on. To me, that is insanity……welcome to the city that works.
#4 by Drew Gresik on May 24, 2013 - 1:56 PM
Tower 5 has been using that spare tower for at least the last two months, and I was pretty surprised to see both working. DMc77 is right, those spare Seagraves are in horrible condition, especially the ones at this fire yesterday.
#5 by DMc77 on May 24, 2013 - 10:03 AM
I have to agree with Chuck- the state of the spare aerials is ridiculous. The first 1984 E-One tower (14) broke so the sent a replacement 1984 tower (5). TL54 had thier assigned Pierce but by the time they showed up it wasn’t needed. The spare Seagraves are really in poor shape too
#6 by Chuck on May 24, 2013 - 12:47 AM
That’s where that truck SHOULD be sitting…off in the weeds…buy some new rigs, dammit!!
#7 by Josh Boyajian on May 23, 2013 - 9:58 PM
Awesome shots brother! The one of Truck 26 in the vacant lot looks awesome!