Archive for May 17th, 2023

Springfield FIre Department news

Excerpts from

The new mayor of Springfield is looking into possibly creating a citywide ambulance service because these are services taxpayers pay for, so the city must provide them.

 The mayor said instead of fighting fires, firefighters are providing medical care, and that at least 10 times a month a firefighter has to give medical care because there were no ALS providers on the ambulance, just BLS. 

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New truck for Stickney FD

From the Stickney Fire Department:
“Last evening the villagebvoard unanimously approved the purchase of a new Pierce Ascendent quint.  This apparatus will replace the 25-year-old quint taken out of service at this time last year. This piece of equipment will last 20-25 years.”
The 107’ single-axle Ascendant quint will have an Enforcer cab & chassis with a 1500-GPM PUC pump.    12-24 months for delivery.
Stickney’s previous truck, the 1997 Spartan/3D/LTI was sold to a private collector out of Missouri.
thanks Josh

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