From the Orland Fire Protection District Facebook page:
On January 8, 2020, the Blue CART Team was activated to assist Manteno Fire with a grain bin rescue. Orland responded with Engine 5, Squad 2, Chief 3, and our communications director. Shortly after arriving, it was determined this would be a body recovery. The incident site had multiple grain silos. The silo the victim was in was over 100 feet tall, with extremely limited access. Rescuers used Manteno’s 100-foot tower ladder that reached an access walkway which led to a ladder, then went up another 15 feet to the top of a silo. There was not a lot of room, and with the wind, the temperature was in the single digits. It was decided that they would take their time and rig a lower system since the victim was about 90 feet down the silo. Orland’s Technical Rescue Team members Lieutenant Schick and Lieutenant Girdick were the team to be lowered down into the silo to make the recovery. Though this was a recovery and every precaution was made, it was not any less dangerous, as there was still shifting product and limited visibility. This was an extremely tough rescue, and not any less dangerous than a live rescue. Our members performed professionally, safely, and with all the skills they have learned over the many years as technical rescue team members.
Chief 3 assisted in the command structure. Communications Director Bill Neumann flew our drone which was extremely helpful for command since the rescue was 110 feet in the air. Firefighter Tuburan (CART) assisted in the operations and Engineer Michael Meyrick worked in support of the operation. Once again a job well done by all involved in this tragic situation.
Fire Chief Mike Schofield

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