Excerpts from the wcfcourier.com:
Fire Chief John Schilling, Cedar Falls’ (
WIIA) fire chief since January 2009, is resigning effective June 23 to become fire chief in Carpentersville, Ill., a city of almost 37,000 people in Kane County.“He’s been a good fire chief, and we hate to see him leave,” said Public Safety Director Jeff Olson, also the city’s police chief. He noted Schilling has been extensively involved in an overhaul of Black Hawk County’s public safety radio communication system.
Schilling, with nearly 30 years in the fire safety profession, came to Cedar Falls from Ankeny, where he had worked for a decade as deputy chief and interim chief for a time. He had previously worked eight years as a lieutenant in the Eufala Fire Department in Eufala, Ala.
thanks Dan
What is a first responder …
Jun 6
Posted by Admin in Commentary | 2 Comments
Isn’t it about time to educate the public and the media about … a commentary that is near and dear to the chicagoareafire.com admin
Excerpts from FireChief.com:
thanks Drew
Tags: firefighters and police officers are not first responders, improper use of the term first responder, laziness in the media, setting the record straight about first responders, what is a first responder