Production photos of the new engines being built for Chicago at E-ONE

E-ONE photo

Cab for new CFD engine. E-ONE photo

E-ONE photo
Production photos of the new engines being built for Chicago at E-ONE
E-ONE photo
Cab for new CFD engine. E-ONE photo
E-ONE photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, fire engine being built for Chicago, fire truck being built, new fire engines for Chicago
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#1 by Marty Coyne on March 22, 2016 - 4:24 PM
The first one has stage 2 up. The roof is black at least
#2 by David on March 22, 2016 - 3:19 AM
The rigs are in fact delivered with traditional lights, even the new E-One towers have the green lights above the headlight set on the officer’s side, the only change is the addition of the blue light which is a trend now and the removal of the green light from the lightbars. As to the black/red color scheme I don’t believe they’ll ever change that or at least not as a standard for the whole fleet. This really won’t make sense as this is a CFD trademark and a huge tradition. There were several rigs in the 60s delivered with the red top like some of the Snorkels and even one or two Ford engines, but this was always an exception to the rule.
#3 by Rich S. on March 21, 2016 - 8:48 PM
The airport engines have a bunch of stuff in them that the city rigs probably won’t. As far as the traditional lights go forget them. the powers that are in charge now don’t care about tradition or moral so blue and red it is. and no mars 888. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all red rigs with no black roofs.
#4 by chris on March 21, 2016 - 10:22 AM
I know when engines 9,10 were delivered they seemed to be oos alot with different issues lets hope they got the bugs worked out ,and lets hope they get delivered with the traditional lights like 9,10
#5 by Rich S. on March 20, 2016 - 6:05 PM
The CFD didn’t purchase from Spartan or Rosenbaur because they have had issues with each of these two companies with regard to the contract portion of the deals. they have also had several problems with the rear suspension on the crimson rigs. the city cancelled all their contracts with crimson because they tried to increase pricing against the current contract so they are out. And again Rosenbaur has sealed their fate with the Squad issues that contract is three years in the making with no delivery… And the Squads are all broken. Happy to see E-One come back. never had problems with them in the past and the 1985 Towers still work great even though they are older than dirt.
#6 by MABAS GUY on March 20, 2016 - 7:11 AM
Chicago Fire UPDATE
Squad 3
Engine 51
Ambulance 61
Truck 81
Are property of the production group
Battalion 25 is leased from CFD
#7 by Bill Post on March 20, 2016 - 3:01 AM
Until several years the Chicago Fire Department had been trying to replace it’s frontline apparatus somewhere between 12 and 15 years of age, however the replacement program has been falling behind that standard. Now one frontline, regularly assigned engine (50) is 21 years old, 5 engines are 19 years old, plus another 6 are 18 or 17 years old. With the exceptions of Engine 50’s rig which is a 1995 Spartan/Luverne, all of the other rigs are HME/Luverne models that were purchased in 1997-1999. The 1997 models have standard cabinet doors built into the side of the rig while the 6 remaining rigs are short wheelbase units from 1998 and 1999 with rollup cabinet doors. These 12 rigs that I just mentioned really should be replaced before the CFD even starts thinking of replacing any of the engines that were ordered in the early 2000s. Even though a number of rigs are over 15 years old, it is generally agreed that heavy apparatus shouldn’t be in frontline service for more the 20 years and in a busy city like Chicago preferably less then that.
#8 by Bill Post on March 19, 2016 - 11:10 PM
Yes I was wondering about it also. Not really about Rosenbauer but why they didn’t purchase the engines from Spartan considering that Chicago’s fleet is almost exclusively from them or their predecessors (Crimson and Luverne). I figured that it would have been easier to have ordered from them.
#9 by cmk420 on March 19, 2016 - 10:51 PM
There are a couple videos, on YouTube, showing the “yard” where CFD keeps its reserve/spare apparatus fleet. I think it’s sad that a major metropolitian city keeps its spare fire apparatus outside. With the all the problems that Chicago is having with their main-line fleet, I think it would have been in their better interest in keeping their extra rigs in a little better condition.
Also, “Chicago Fire” uses two of the spare/reserves (for Truck 81 & Engine 51) when the show is taping, so that further depletes the back stock.
#10 by Rich S. on March 19, 2016 - 4:58 PM
What I find to be a shock is that in many cases the old beat up rigs are more reliable than the newer ones. All these new rigs with all there electronic crap on the to make them better just makes them an electrical nightmare.
#11 by Rich S. on March 19, 2016 - 4:54 PM
Tom, I would say it is a combination of issues. The way the vehicles are maintained had been an issue for years especially when they become spares, most of the spares sit outside in every weather 24/7. The way the members care for them, the consent wear and tear on them and in some cases yes absolutely the manufacturer is a problem.
#12 by tom foley on March 19, 2016 - 3:05 PM
It was only a matter of time that the old fleet started to really show itself.
Visitors to this forum have long observed the amount of reserve apparatus at scenes. It may have been tongue in cheek, but one poster said it looked like there were more reserve apparatus on scene than actual frontline equipment.
Would you say most issues are wear and tear related or are there consistent issues with a particular manufacturer?
#13 by Rich S. on March 19, 2016 - 1:40 PM
The front line fleet is getting to be a problem the trucks main aerials are rusting badly. The Squads are shot. The engines are old and beat up. most every spare is in service everyday. And as far as the spare fleet goes the bodies are complete rust,
all the way through a lot of the rigs. Engines have non operational discharge ports, gauges and intakes. The trucks are rusted out and have hydraulic leaks and the jacks may work the first time there put out might not. many have to be overridden to go from jacks to ladder power.
#14 by MABAS GUY on March 19, 2016 - 9:45 AM
Tom i know 3 Engines are being ordered as the fleet is in dire need of some help the engine CO’s can be seen in spares more than before there are 15 Engines in the spare pool not counting the 2 from the Fire Academy that can be pulled as spares if needed. O’hare Airport also has 4 spares assigned to the Airport only per FAA requirements that stay at the AMC building
#15 by Tom Foley on March 19, 2016 - 1:02 AM
The Chicago FD apparatus story has been interesting to watch.
According to another post here, Bedford Park is considering a remount of their snorkel. It’s a little shorter at 75′ whereas the 661 is 85′. Should be interesting to follow how each proceeds.
The snorkel squad status seems like a wreck. Hopefully that gets figured out.
There is a mention by a poster that these engines are an emergency order. Anyone have more info on the back story here?
Finally, a reference to a 137ft truck. The rumor mill is working today!
I’ll make the popcorn and enjoy the show with Chicago FD apparatus.
#16 by FD Insider on March 18, 2016 - 1:11 PM
I THINK Danny is right i seem to recall hearing something about that as i heard Smeal has the one for Frankfort in production and another started in addition to the Chicago / Rosenbauer order with Squads 7A 5A 2A and 1A ………..with the possibility of a REMOUNT of 6-6-1 on a new chassis
#17 by danny on March 17, 2016 - 10:00 PM
The rumor now is that rosenbauer just going to buy the snorkel booms from smeal but we all know how fun the CFD Rumor Mill is
#18 by Marty Coyne on March 17, 2016 - 2:40 PM
When the contract was signed with rosenbauer ALF owned the snorkel rights and wouldn’t make them. By the time LTI got the rights it was too late to get out of the rosenbauer contract so the city is stuck with the fake snorkels.
#19 by Chris Wolf on March 17, 2016 - 1:20 PM
So is the city still getting Squads from Rosenbauer or are the going with Smeal, now the Frankfort, IL has basically a city spec Snorkel, with a pump and tank added? It would seem foolish to acquire an untested vehicle from another company, when Smeal has the ownership of the Snorkel design now.
#20 by FD insider on March 17, 2016 - 11:54 AM
Plans could be in the works for a new AT1 a E-One CR 137 FT aluminum ladder on a Cyclone Chassis
#21 by Bill C. on March 17, 2016 - 10:46 AM
e-one in process shop numbers 140156, 140 157
#22 by David on March 17, 2016 - 10:25 AM
Bill: either what MABAS guy posted or check the homepage, then go to pumpers:
#23 by MABAS Guy on March 17, 2016 - 10:10 AM
#24 by bill on March 17, 2016 - 9:39 AM
Can someone give the link to the ” E-One “in process” site”?
#25 by MABAS GUY on March 17, 2016 - 8:09 AM
EMERGENCY ORDER Three ( 3) E-One Engines
#26 by JS on March 17, 2016 - 3:46 AM
Pierce is overrated. They used to build good rigs but since being bought out by Oshkosh, quality has taken a nosedive. Especially in the last few years.
#27 by David on March 17, 2016 - 2:49 AM
Chris: check out the E-One “in process” site, there are already two engines in construction right now, and as I read here the order should be for 3 rigs total, so I guess this ain’t got nothing to do with the airports.
#28 by chris on March 17, 2016 - 1:30 AM
This could just be the third and final of the three airport rigs purchased a few years ago and only 9 and 10 were done right away
#29 by Chuck on March 17, 2016 - 12:01 AM
Last time the City ordered a batch this small, didn’t they go to 93,116 & 117 ?
#30 by Chuck on March 16, 2016 - 11:58 PM
Were these purchased through the same Houston Galveston purchasing combine as the Tower Ladders?
#31 by Rich S. on March 16, 2016 - 10:17 PM
It sounds like squad 5 and squad1 snorkels are done for. squad 1 has cracks in the boom as well as being bent. Squad 5’s turn table is falling out of the rig. We’re in bad shape again with rigs.
#32 by Rich S. on March 16, 2016 - 10:14 PM
The new TL’s have a 15′ jack spread learn how to use them and you’ll never need to short jack again. the ladder is much better stronger and will never rust … Pierce trucks are being sent out to have the mains redone because they are rusting out. we have pierce trucks and crimson engines and everyone is in spare rigs all the time. says a lot.
#33 by Rich S. on March 16, 2016 - 10:00 PM
Guys this is a major city FD with crappy streets, tiny firehouses,low viaducts and these rigs get beat on non-stop. We just need a tough rig that can take the beating it’ll get. NOT a pretty rig for a calendar. Crimson sealed their fate with these crappy trucks we bought and then trying to raise the cost of rigs violating the contract between them and the city. Rosenbauer is out because they messed up the squads. which are going to be a nightmare. I’m happy to see E-One back in this city we always had good with them. they “85 spare TL’s are better than most we have and are still going strong. with great jack spread etc. Bring on the Trucks and Engines E-one !!
#34 by Gilbert on March 16, 2016 - 9:25 PM
I’m betting Pierce or seagraves are more expensive ken croft. As
It relates to the recent purchase of the 3 new TL- they don’t short
Jack…the city bought these so now we can’t do ours effectively.
#35 by Brian on March 16, 2016 - 8:52 PM
Seagrave is too expensive.
Big issue with the rosenbauer squad order was the top guy at the shops not signing off on the final order
#36 by Ken Cockroft on March 16, 2016 - 7:52 PM
Why not Pierce or Seagrave?
#37 by Ffpm621 on March 16, 2016 - 6:30 PM
Yeah I think Rosenbauer has been late on every order in the Chicago Metro Area. City of Chicago, Wheeling FD, and Sycamore. I wonder whats going on with them they must have gotten too big, too fast. Nothing is on time and the quality is sub par.
#38 by MABAS Guy on March 16, 2016 - 5:28 PM
FAA paid up front for Squad 7 so thats why its in the first batch of squads
#39 by Marty Coyne on March 16, 2016 - 5:26 PM
Interesting if true that only two are coming this year as the one we’ve seen is for O’Hare. That’s the last squad that needs replacing the city ones are in terrible shape.
#40 by MABAS GUY on March 16, 2016 - 3:55 PM
Squads will be delivered ( 1st batch 2 boxes 2 Snorkels ) sometime late summer or early fall of this year and the 2nd batch in 2017
#41 by sebastian on March 16, 2016 - 3:52 PM
are new squads still on the table??
#42 by MABAS GUY on March 16, 2016 - 3:50 PM
3 E-One Engines for the CITY on order
Rosenbauer sour feelings about the squads
E-one/ Fire service has been pretty busy for Chicago as of late
Refurb of Squad 7
TL 14/37/39
6-4-5 and 6-4-6
8-8-16 for Midway Airport
New Ambulance Fleet ( E-One/Fire Service)
4 or 5 patty wagons for Chicago Police Dept.
#43 by Aidan Hughes on March 16, 2016 - 3:34 PM
How many engines will they get
#44 by Marty Coyne on March 16, 2016 - 3:23 PM
After the fight about the squads I highly doubt Rosenbauer we’ll see any city contracts for a long long time.
#45 by Crabby Milton on March 16, 2016 - 3:00 PM
CFD doesn’t have something carved in concrete that they have to buy from the same builder all the time so competition is a good thing.
Question: What’s wrong with ROSENBAUER?
#46 by mike on March 16, 2016 - 2:30 PM
The contract with Crimson is done and I’m sure rosenbauer has left a bad taste in their mouth. Plus they just bought engines for ohare and the 3 tower ladders.
#47 by David on March 16, 2016 - 2:21 PM
Anybody knows anything closer about this like how many rigs have been ordered?! From the E-One site it looks like there are at least two rigs being built right now.
#48 by Shane on March 16, 2016 - 2:18 PM
Could these be for O’hare?
#49 by euGENE O on March 16, 2016 - 1:59 PM
I am not surprise the airport engines are e-one and the new tower ladders, i just glad they order new engines.
#50 by Ffpm621 on March 16, 2016 - 1:09 PM
I wonder why Chicago didn’t go with Crimson or Rosenbauer? Anybody know the story?