Archive for March 5th, 2016

Woodstock Fire Rescue District news (more)

Excerpts from the

Details are still being determined regarding what cuts will be made to the Woodstock Fire Rescue District after their contract with the village of Lakewood to staff a fire station on Haligus Road was not renewed.

Woodstock Fire Rescue District Chief Ralph Webster said after the board of trustees meeting Thursday night, the only decisions still finalized are the deputy chief position being cut and Webster retiring Oct. 31.

The closing of the Haligus Road station, which was staffed with 12 Woodstock Fire Rescue District employees, means $830,000 in cuts need to be made in the district, Webster said. The change will result in a reduction of wages, hours and positions of part-time ranks, he said.

The Woodstock Career Firefighters IAFF Local 4813 union is working with Webster and other board members to try and address a really difficult situation.

He expects that between March and mid-April, the board will announce its plans for how it will fill the chief position. The restructuring of the department likely will include the addition of a few battalion chiefs to the current staff of about 80 people.

Woodstock residents will not notice a change in services, Webster said, and the department is using this as a chance to reinvent itself.

“I think we’re going to be as strong as ever,” he said. “We’re not cutting staffing in Woodstock. Operationally, we may make some changes, but if we do that it will be in an effort to provide better services.”

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Chicago orders new squads (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

Hera are a few pics a member of my Facebook CFD group named Michael Frederick came across from a Holiday Inn in Nebraska on the night of 3-3-16 of one of the new squad 2nd pieces. no info on who took them though.

Danny Nelms

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

Rosenbauer Commander Stubby cab and chassis for Chicago Squad 7A.

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MVA with truck fire on I94; Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD, 3-3-16 (more)

More from Tim Olk at the MVA with truck fire on I94 (3-3-16)

tractor-trailer burning after crash

Tim Olk photo

tractor-trailer burning after crash

Tim Olk photo

tractor-trailer burning after crash

Tim Olk photo

tractor-trailer burning after crash

Tim Olk photo

ARFF on highway with truck fire

Tim Olk photo

ARFF on highway with truck fire

Tim Olk photo

tractor-trailer burning after crash

Tim Olk photo

firefighter walks through foam on the highway from truck crash

Tim Olk photo

ARFF on highway with truck fire

Tim Olk photo

tow truck recovers tractor-trailer destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

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Vintage 4-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, January 1971

From Steve Redick:

January 1971 3-11 4142 W. Madison Photo by Dave Fornell

News clipping from a historic fire in Chicago

Warren Redick collection

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