More images from of the 3-11 Alarm fire at the Shrine of Christ the King Church at 64th & Woodlawn (10/7/15).

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo
Previous posts are HERE, HERE, and HERE plus at and HERE and HERE.
#1 by Brian on October 10, 2015 - 11:53 AM
Most likely TL 34, forgot about them as the 3rd south Tower
#2 by David on October 10, 2015 - 7:19 AM
@LFD 543: As from what I’ve seen, the hyphens have been used just for the last 10-15 years and only on some of the special rigs, so I wouldn’t say that they’re a CFD tradition really. If you look at the older rigs (or simply the majority of rigs) you wouldn’t see them marked this way, not even the special apparatus.
#3 by LFD 543 on October 10, 2015 - 2:28 AM
My question is…not to nitpick or anything….but, why are there no hyphens on the rigs where their aren’t any?
For example: 2-7-5, 5-7-1, 6-3-9.
I know it’s not a big deal and I won’t lose sleep over it, but to me those rigs are just “missing something,” it’s part of CFD tradition in my opinion. It makes it appear that you’d say “Two seventy-five” over the radio, instead of “Two-Seven-Five.”
I know there are rigs from the past without the hyphens, but I can only ask about the current rigs; the past is over.
#4 by LFD 543 on October 10, 2015 - 2:13 AM
TL34 maybe? Also, Squad 5A and Reserve Snorkel 1 (6-6-1) were working.
#5 by Brian on October 9, 2015 - 2:58 PM
What was the third tower put to work? TL 37 and TL 39 along with??