Karl Klotz and Tim Olk submitted some images of local units on display at the FDIC in Indianapolis

Chicago Ridge Ambulance 6502 in the Road Rescue booth. Karl Klotz photo

Chicago Ridge Ambulance 6502 in the Road Rescue booth. Karl Klotz photo

Westchester Rescue 25 in the E-ONE booth. Karl Klotz photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Broadview Battalion 5. Tim Olk photo
#1 by FFPM571 on April 12, 2014 - 5:29 PM
The Hummer is one of the many in the Chicago area. It is an ex miltary Humvee that was surplused by the DRMO because of the decline of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Broadview has that one, Stone Park has one, Hillside Police and Barrington police had two, one is OOS with a blown motor, the other is being upfitted with lights and siren right now. To the naysayers. Yes they were paid for by tax dollars out of the military budget, but would you rather see them used for public safety or cut up for scrap and sold off for pennies on the dollar?
#2 by Kyle on April 12, 2014 - 5:21 PM
I do believe Broadviews hummer was either confiscated from a criminal, or was a government surplus that has been retrofitted.
#3 by Tim Danner on April 12, 2014 - 9:17 AM
Nothing is free! Someone, somewhere paid a lot of money for that vehicle. That someone is probably us ….. the Taxpayers.
#4 by Josh Boyajian on April 11, 2014 - 11:17 PM
Broadview’s hummer is one of a kind. I had the opportunity to check it out first hand and shoot the dept. For what they are using it for, it works perfectly. Has a very well set up, state of art command pull out tray in the back. A lot of thought was put into this rig. As for the lightbar….it is the lightbar that has always been on it.
#5 by Robert on April 11, 2014 - 6:04 PM
I believe the broadview unit got a new light bar
#6 by Charlie Ward on April 11, 2014 - 5:46 PM
It’s amazing how these depts. still go out and purchase brand new million dollar equipment. Then bitch because they don’t have the staffing to put firefighters on these rigs. There are plenty of used fire trucks at half the cost that perform just the same. Parade trucks for parade fire depts
#7 by Dennis on April 11, 2014 - 9:08 AM
Nebl, I think that if it’s free then take it. I’m for one glad a department thought about a vehicle that would best serve the purpose no matter what it may be instead of getting something just because some other department(s) has the same thing. With the snow season we just had and we are likely to have in the future, the brush fires along the railroad right-of-ways that Broadview gets and the floodly that happenes in the area I think this was the best choice of a vehicle that they could get with the state the national and local economny is in.
#8 by Bill on April 11, 2014 - 7:28 AM
That hummer was a free vehicle.
#9 by Fartin' Fred on April 11, 2014 - 6:59 AM
That’s kind of a cool looking Hummer!
#10 by Nebl on April 10, 2014 - 11:33 PM
I’m sorry, but if that Broadview vehicle is really a Battalion Chief vehicle, here in the Chicago area and not out in the moutains or desert, what a joke.
#11 by Kugie on April 10, 2014 - 10:43 PM
Isn’t that a 7 on that buggy ?????????
#12 by Robert on April 10, 2014 - 9:03 PM
That’s a beautiful Terrastar