This from Dan McInerney:
Engine 94 at 5758 W. Grace (at Menard). Can’t say I like the planters too much as they disrupt an otherwise good photo angle of the firehouse, as it faces south and is on a NE corner.

Firehouse for Chicago Engine 94. Dan McInerney photo
#1 by Mike L on November 1, 2014 - 7:18 AM
Another unique feature is that this house was originally opened as Eng 129’s firehouse. Eng 94 originally was a “downtown” company and moved out to that house when Eng 129 was disbanded and later reorganized on south Ashland. Also, this is the smallest firehouse in the city.
#2 by Villagomez Family on October 30, 2014 - 7:33 PM
Hello. We left some Taffy Apples and Caramel Corn for you all to enjoy. Sorry we missed you guys. Thanks for all that you do. From the Villagomez Family.
#3 by Bill Post on July 19, 2013 - 1:30 PM
Engine 94 definitely goes down as one of the more unique fire stations in the city. One of the unique things about it is it’s location of being located on a “side street”. While being located on a side street at one time wasn’t necessarily that unusual , the unusual thing about Engine 94’s location happens to be it’s depth of being located with in a relatively low density residential area. In other words they are located a full two blocks into the area and have to go a few blocks in either direction before they get to a major artery such as Irving Park, Addison, Central or Austin avenues. Most fire stations that are or were located on “side streets” are usually located within a block of or just around the corner from a major artery.
Examples of stations like that are Engine 69 , 29 ,125 , 39, 73, 99,119, 120 and a number of others.
Engine 109’s recently closed old house on Whipple and 24th was one of those few station that was located “deep” within a residential area such as Engine 94s.