Archive for July 15th, 2013

Milwaukee Fire Show 7-13-13 (more)

From Dan Shevlin:

Saturday July 13th

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Nice weather made for a great day . Here are some of my shots .

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Dan Shevlin photo

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Dan Shevlin photo

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Dan Shevlin photo

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Dan Shevlin photo

Milwaukee Fire Muster

Dan Shevlin photo

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Car into building in Chicago 7-15-13

This from Tom Clifton:

The see thru Chinese restaurant at 110th and western became a drive thru today when a SUV went thru the front window. 

Tom Clifton 


car into building on Chicago's south side

Tom Clifton photo

car into building on Chicago's south side

Tom Clifton photo

car into building on Chicago's south side

Tom Clifton photo

car into building on Chicago's south side

Tom Clifton photo

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Hebron Alden Greenwood FPD orders engine

This from Jacob Combs


Just an FYI. Hebron Fire has ordered a new engine. It will be a 2014 Spartan/US Tanker 1500GPM/1000-gal rescue pumper. As soon as we get the final drawing and when photos start rolling in I will share them


Jacob Combs


Hebron Alden Greenwood FPDJacob Combs

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Down memory lane …

This from Steve Redick:

I was doing some scanning from the “wayback” files and found a few you might like to see…

The first was a huge pile of RR ties in Bensenville that burned for hours and hours..early 80s. Got some rig shots including the old Bensenville International Squad rig..I remember at this fire the oxygen levels near it got low and one fireman started acting very erratically til they got him into better atmosphere..very strange but no one thought of using masks at an outside fire back then.

I got a lot of interest in the Elk Grove tiller shot too…..

Found a coupla shots of some Mt Prospect rigs, and the Wood Dale truck

Also a fire in a trailer in Morton Grove at the old OCC site (Oakton Community College)

All these should be from the early 80s and shot on Kodacolor negative film…


Bensenville Fire Department history

Bensenville engine. Steve Redick photo

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s.

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo

Wood Dale Fire Department history

Wood Dale Pirsch ladder truck. Steve Redick photo

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s.

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo

Bensenville squad. Steve Redick photo

Bensenville squad. Steve Redick photo

Elmhurst Fire Department history

Elmhurst Mack CF engine. Steve Redick photo

Elmhurst Fire Department history

Another shot of the Elmhurst engine. Steve Redick photo

Leyden Township FPD history

Leyden Township Hendrickson/FMC engine. Steve Redick photo

Elk Grove Village Fire Department history

Elk Grove Village Pirsch TDA. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect squad 543. Steve Redick photo

Morton Grove Fire Department history

Morton Grove engine with burned out trailer. Steve Redick photo



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