This from Jeff Rudolph:
Made a trip up to Pierce Wednesday to check on Skokie’s new Engine 17 ( 2013 Dash CF, 1500/500 PUC) should take delivery mid January. Also Evanston’s new engine and a squad for Posen where up there. Jeff R.

new Pierce Arrow XT engine being built for Evanston, IL. Jeff Rudolph photo

new Pierce Arrow XT PUC rescue pumper for Posen IL. Jeff Rudolph photo

new Pierce Dash CF PUC being built for Skokie. Jeff Rudolph photo

new Pierce Dash CF PUC being built for Skokie. Jeff Rudolph photo

new Pierce Dash CF PUC being built for Skokie. Jeff Rudolph photo
#1 by Keith Grzadziel on December 16, 2012 - 9:56 AM
Our new squad, 2805, is actually a 2011 model and was a demo bought on an emergency purchase to replace our 1991 Lance rescue pumper that went O.O.S. during mid to late summer. Outweighing the costs of rebuilding the blown motor, replacing the booster tank, and performing a partial or full refurb, the Chief also presented the option to purchase this demo from Pierce to the village board. After review of all costs and NFPA compliance, the village board approved the purchase of this demo model. It has been at the Pierce plant for a couple of months receiving minor modifications including the installation of a cab mounted light tower. We are expecting delivery this Monday.
As for the number issue, Posen had a Squad 2805 while “Engine” 2823 was purchased. When the old squad finally went O.O.S., all the equipment was transferred over to 2823 making it the “Squad,” and veering off from the MABAS 22 numbering system. Our members decided to make right and number the new rig as Squad 2805.
#2 by mark on December 16, 2012 - 8:53 AM
Way back in the day Posen actually had a Squad 2805. It was a vehicle that was fabricated by a local machine shop back in the late 60’s-early 70’s if my memory serves me right.
#3 by mark on December 16, 2012 - 8:52 AM
Actually, what I was referring to was the ‘tradition’ that a new vehicle can’t be given a numerical designation of a vehicle that was previously in service. 2214, 2314, 2063, etc. would lead me to believe that Calumet Park and Crestwood have 2 trucks and that Alsip has 7 engine companies in service. I know, its petty but always was a pet peeve of mine.
#4 by big tim on December 15, 2012 - 8:45 PM
What Mark is refering to is the Div22 apparatus number system and how depts have veered from it in the recent past. (i.e. Posen squad 2823, Crestwood squad 2323, Midlothian squad 2707, etc.)
It goes:
A – Alsip : 2000 series
R – Robbins : 2900 series
Alphabetical order.
It further devides:
Any vehicle / unit # ending in 00 / 01 / 10,11 / 20,21 etc.. are the chiefs and officers of said dept.
Any vehicle / unit # ending in “02-42” are ALS ambulances & “52-92” are BLS ambulances, “3” are engines, “4” are trucks, “5” are squads, “6” are tankers/tenders, “7” & “8” are utility / brush / service, and “9” is a box card for said dept (i.e. “2809” is a Posen fire box card)
Hope this helps.
#5 by Dennis on December 15, 2012 - 8:08 PM
@Mark…not sure what your getting at but Posen’s current ” Squad” is numbered 2823.
#6 by Sebastian on December 15, 2012 - 5:08 PM
what silly tradition?
#7 by Brian on December 15, 2012 - 2:14 PM
I thought the Squads in Div 22 were 07 numbers
#8 by Mark on December 15, 2012 - 4:36 AM
Glad to see the Posen Squad will be 2805. I was worried they’d follow the silly tradition in Mabas 22 and number it 2833.