Chicago had a 2-11 Alarm fire this morning in a two-story commercial structure at 2100 W. Fulton Street. One caller reported a fire around 4:30 in the morning and firefighters found heavy fire upon arrival. The fire was upgraded to a 2-11 Alarm when fire burned through the roof and the building was determined to have a bow string truss roof. Two tower ladders and the Snorkel from Squad 1 had elevated master streams working in addition to two ground level multi-versals. A Level I Haz Mat was also called.

Tower Ladder 10 was working at the 2-11 Alarm fire this morning at 2100 W. Fulton Street. Larry Shapiro photo

Engine 103 was on a hydrant at the corner of Carroll and Hoyne. Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Dave Weaver on February 19, 2011 - 10:13 PM
The fireground radio traffic from this fire was quite intense. A lot of good saw noise on this clip from