Rosemont new Pierce tower ladder
The new addition of the Rosemont Public Safety Department to Division 1 now signifies that all Division 1 departments have been added to this site … with some degree of completion.
Rosemont occupies 2 stations: Sta1 is for Fire Suppression Companies and Sta2 is for EMS units. They have 5 ambulances in Station 2; #s 167 & 168 are staffed full-time by contract medics and the other 3 units are staffed for large events at the arena.
Rosemont public safety officers are cross-trained as police officers and firefighters and are required to spend time fulfilling both jobs. A rather unique aspect of all Rosemont fire apparatus is that they are equipped with gun lockers to secure the firearms of officers while performing firefighting functions.

Rosemont Pierce Quantum PUC