Posts Tagged Tim Olk

5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 11-5-16 (more)

Some short video segments from Tim Olk of the 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 11-5-16 (more)


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3-Alarm fire in Willow Springs, 10-28-16 (more)

more photos from the 3-Alarm fire in Willow Springs, 10-28-16

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willow Springs

Tim Olk photo

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3-Alarm fire in Willow Springs, 10-28-16

Early images from Tim Olk of the commercial fire at 8900 Archer Avenue that went to a 2-Alarm fire box plus a 3-Alarm tender box by the Tri-State FPD.

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willowbrook

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willowbrook

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willowbrook

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willowbrook

Tim Olk photo

3-Alarm restaurant fire in Willowbrook

Tim Olk photo

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High Angle Rescue in Chicago, 10-28-16

This from Tim Olk:

Chicago TRT High Angle Rescue 4224 N Knox

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

firefighters rescue worker from water tower

Tim Olk photo

TRT firefighters after high angle rescue

Tim Olk photo

TRT firefighter after high angle rescue

Tim Olk photo

TRT firefighter after high angle rescue

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 1 and Squad 2 firefighters

Tim Olk photo

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Waukegan Fire Department news (more)

more photos from Tim Olk of the Waukegan FD live-fire training 10/22/16 as they finished with a burn down

firefighters from Waukegan pose with house burn down

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

burn down of vacant house

Tim Olk photo

more photos were posted HERE

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Waukegan Fire Department news

This from Tim Olk:

Waukegan firefighters conducted live-fire training in a vacant house on Saturday (10/22/16) before burning it to the ground.

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

More photos to follow in part 2

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Waukegan Fire Department news

This from Tim Olk:

Waukegan firefighters were given a house for training from the park district who will be building on the site. Waukegan and Newport Township firefighters trained and then burned the house down 9-16-20

firefighters training in vacant house

Tim Olk photo

firefighters pulling hose

Tim Olk photo

firefighter pulling ceiling

Tim Olk photo

firefighter at training site

Tim Olk photo

closeup of Waukegan firefighter

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in full PPE

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in full PPE

Tim Olk photo

firefighters pose with burning building

Tim Olk photo

heavy smoke and flames from house fire

Tim Olk photo

house fully engulfed in fire

Tim Olk photo

house fully engulfed in fire

Tim Olk photo

house fully engulfed in fire

Tim Olk photo

more photos at

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Working fire in Chicago, 9-24-16

This from Tim Olk:

Chicago working fire,  3933 W Flournoy, two-story ordinary, fire in the basement,  two lines off (9/24/16)

firefighters making entry through smoke

Tim Olk photo

firefighter climbs aerial ladder

Tim Olk photo

firefighter at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

battalion chief at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

firefighter at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Tim Olk photo

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Chicago Still & Box Alarm and EMS Plan I, 9-22-16

Excerpts from the

Three people were taken to area hospitals, one of them seriously injured, following a fire in one apartment in a four-plus-one style apartment building in the 6900 block of North Sheridan Road.

Two people were taken to Presence St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, one of them in serious-to-critical condition and one in fair-to-serious condition, and a third person was taken to Swedish Covenant Hospital in fair-to-serious condition.

The three were injured in a fire that was confined to one apartment on the fourth floor of the building.

This from Tim Olk:

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box Alarm with an EMS Plan 1 6900 N Sheridan Rd (fatal)

aftermath of apartment fire in Chicago

Tim Olk photo


Chicago FD paramedics treat an elderly fire victim

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD paramedics treat an elderly fire victim at the scene of a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighter tries to call down after a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in PPE with tools after a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in PPE with tools after a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in PPE with tools after a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighter in PPE after a fire

Tim Olk photo

female firefighter pulls hose after a fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighters and paramedics at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 1

Tim Olk photo

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3-Alarm fire and EMS Box Alarm in Cicero, 9-19-16 (more)

more photos from the 3-Alarm fire and EMS Box Alarm in Cicero, 9-19-16

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

firefighters and fire trucks at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

firefighters enveloped in smoke at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

elevated master stream at work

Tim Olk photo

fireman on ladder with flames and smoke

Tim Olk photo

Cicero FD chief Rick Moravacek

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

additional photos at

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