From Jimmy Bolf

Jimmy Bolf photo
Jun 13
Posted by Admin in Burn down fire photos, Fire Scene photos, Training | Comments off
May 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | Comments off
video from Larry Shapiro of the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18
Tags: #larryshapiro, 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, Antioch FD Tanker 2163, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, Bartlet FPD Tender 2, Carpentersville FPD Engine 92, Countryside FPD Tanker 411, Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Tender 371, East Dundee FPD Tender 41, Elk Grove Township FPD Tanker 11, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire scene video, fire tender shuttle, Lake Villa FPD Tanker 241, Lake Villa FPD Tender 241, large house destroyed by fire in Barrington Hills, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove FPD Tanker 56, McHenry Township FPD Tender 1274, Nunda Rural FPD Tender 71, Prospect Heights FPD Tanker 9, Round Lake FPD Tanker 2661,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene, Woodstock Fire Rescue Tanker 72
May 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
More on the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18.
Then tanker shuttle included:
Long Grove, Countryside, Round Lake, Crystal Lake, Antioch, Bartlett, East Dundee, Prospect Heights, Palatine Rural, McHenry Township, Nunda, Lake Villa, Fox Lake, Woodstock, and Elk Grove Township.
Larry Shapiro photo
Trucks at the scene were from Palatine, West Dundee, and Wauconda.
Engines were from Mundelein, Buffalo Grove, Carpentersville, Hoffman Estates, Lake Zurich, Fox River Grove, and Algonquin.
Squads from Cary and Lincolnshire-Riverwoods plus ambulances from Barrington, Barrington Countryside, and Des Plaines were also at the scene.
Tags: #larryshapiro, 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, Antioch FD Tanker 2163, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, Bartlet FPD Tender 2, Carpentersville FPD Engine 92, Countryside FPD Tanker 411, Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Tender 371, East Dundee FPD Tender 41, Elk Grove Township FPD Tanker 11, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire tender shuttle, Lake Villa FPD Tanker 241, Lake Villa FPD Tender 241, large house destroyed by fire in Barrington Hills, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove FPD Tanker 56, McHenry Township FPD Tender 1274, Nunda Rural FPD Tender 71, Prospect Heights FPD Tanker 9, Round Lake FPD Tanker 2661,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, Woodstock Fire Rescue Tanker 72
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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