From Dennis McGuire, Jr.
Here are the shots I took of that board with the photos from the set of Chicago Fire.Dennis.

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Jan 19
Posted by Admin in Reader submission | 2 Comments
From Dennis McGuire, Jr.
Here are the shots I took of that board with the photos from the set of Chicago Fire.Dennis.
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire TV show, Dennis McGuire Jr., fictitious Chicago fire trucks, filming of the tv show Chicago Fire, fire truck used in filming the Chicago Fire tv show
This from a reader:
i was in a group for fire apparatus photos on facebook and i do not know who the photographer is on this one, but this is a photo of the photo hanging on the wall inside the firehouse on chicago fire. it’s truck 7’s rig photoshopped to portray truck 81. thought it was worth a submission
From the Chicago Fire tv show. photographer unknown
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire TV show, filming of the tv show Chicago Fire, fire trucks used for tv show, new network TV show based in Chicago
Dec 12
Posted by Admin in Fire, Fire Scene photos | 4 Comments
This from Josh Boyajian:
Here are some pictures i took at a still and box @ 3426 w Adams. I arrived well after the fire was knocked but still wanted to submit some shots i took. Thought this one picture i took was very clever. I call it, “A lil bit of Christmas Spirit.Also here is the link to My brand new official SmugMug site that i share with Drew Gresik.Hope you enjoy! We look forward to sharing all of our photos with everybody.-Josh Boyajian
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
This was the 3400 block of Adams…I made excellent time but it was all done in short order. Mainly some rig shots..but this sure was a big building. Squad 3 is the one used in the series Chicago Fire, running with squad 2 at this incident.Steve
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department Snorkle, Chicago fire engine at winter fire scene, Chicago Fire TV show, Chicago Spartan fire engine, fire scene photos in Chicago, fire truck used in filming the Chicago Fire tv show, Josh Boyajian, Steve Redick, Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, winter fire scene photos
The Chicago Fire TV show has been filming an episode which includes a train derailment. This setup was in Union, IL this past week, and has a behind the scenes look at the filming.
Small town, Union, Illinois finds itself in the TV spotlight once again as the Railway Museum fills the need for a train wreck.
NBC’s hit show, Chicago Fire used the museum as a means to stage a train wreck for an upcoming episode.
This episode, airing November 12th is set at a train crash. If the location seems familiar, it should. The Illinois Railway Museum in Union has played host to many television film crews.
“We’re well-known in Illinois in the film industry, the Illinois Film Office, whenever film companies come here to Illinois, if somebody needs trains, they send them our way,” said Nick Kallas. Museum Executive Director Nick Kallas says money made from the filming benefits the museum’s patrons.
Actual Union firefighters, on hand for safety purposes watch with excitement. Firefighter and EMT Jessica Carr says the best part for her, is how realistic the interactions are. “It’s a lot of just how we interact, like, just the relationships between the firefighters and how we work on a major scene accident like this,” said Carr.
The article includes a short video segment and a few images.
Tags: Chicago Fire TV show, filming of the tv show Chicago Fire
This from Dave Weaver:
video footage behind the scenes of Chicago Fire
Season 2 of Chicago Fire premieres Tuesday, September 24 at 10pm.
Tags: Behind the scenes of Chicago Fire, Chicago Fire TV show, Dave Weaver, radioman 911
Jun 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus | 4 Comments
More photos from the 5-11 Club/Fire Buffs of Illinois muster this weekend at the Quinn Fire Academy
MABAS Mobile Ventilation Unit. Steve Redick photo
CFD training academy engine. Steve Redick photo
Chicago Fire Department hi-X foam unit. Steve Redick photo
CFD training academy truck. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
X-Hillside American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo
Berkeley E-ONE engine. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Bensenville tower ladder. Steve Redick photo
Evergreen Park Fire Department light wagon. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Spare CFD squad lettered and striped for the tv series. Steve Redick photo
CFD units lettered for the tv series. Steve Redick photo
C-Model Mack fire engine. Steve Redick photo
Tags: 1965 Mack Model C-95F fire engine, 2013 Chicago Area Firematic Swap Meet, American LaFrance Century Series fire engine, antique fire apparatus, Bensenville Fire Department, Berkeley Fire engine, C Model Mack fire engine, CFD High Expansion Foam Unit 6-3-1, Chicago Fire Department foam unit, Chicago Fire TV show, Chicago Quinn Fire Academy, E-ONE Hurricane fire engine, Evergreen Pakr FD light wagon, fire service swap meet, Firematic Swap Meet, Hillside Fire Department, Johnsville Township FD, MABAS Mobile Ventilation Unit, Pierce mini pumper, Robert J. Quinn FIre Academy, square cab E-ONE Hurricane, Steve Redick, Valparaiso American LaFrane Century fire engine, Valparaiso Fire Department
This from Drew Gresik:
Hey guys,I was cruising around today and passed by Engine 80’s quarters at 127th and S Doty. Truck 62 has a spare, which happens to be the Seagrave used on “Chicago Fire.” It’s still marked “Truck 81”. Thought I would share it with everyone since its not an everyday sight. I also passed by Crestwood’s quarters and saw that they have a new (or relatively new) Ford Expedition B/C SUV. Just took a quick shot of it in its bay. Thanks!From,Drew Gresik
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire TV show, Crestwood FIre Department, Drew Gresik, fire engine photos, fire truck pictures
This from Keith Grzadziel:
Was in the neighborhood of Fleet Services today and took a couple shots of the apparatus used in Chicago Fire sitting in the Spares Yard on Concord Pl.
Keith Grzadziel photo
Keith Grzadziel photo
Tags: Chicago Fire TV show, fire truck pictures, fire trucks used for tv show, Keith Grzadziel
From Chris Ranck:
Received credible information that Downers Grove Fire Department is going to Starcomm TG FDSCENT1 as of 5-15-13 at 7am for portables only.
Rig radios still are VHF. Also Westmont Fire will be using it too soon. on the same talkgroup.
(Dave Weaver) posted many behind the scenes photos and videos from the Chicago Fire set including closeups of the Motorola gear on the “Watch Tower” which is the name for the firehouse desk with the computer terminal and portables. NBC actually had a complete replica of CFD Engine 18’s house recreated in a large film studio complex near Mt. Sinai Hospital on the old Ryerson Steel property. There is an antique radio on the bookshelf in Fire Chief Boden’s office which is actually a Simpson marine radio.
These images and videos are available on the Facebook page at
Tags: CARMA Chicago, Chicago Fire Department Engine 18's firehouse, Chicago Fire TV show, Chris Ranck, Dave Weaver, Downers Grove Fire Department, Motorola radios, radioman 911, Ryerson Steel, Simpson marine radio
The show Chicago Fire premires tonight at nine pm on channel 5. We’d like to know what you think about it.
Tags: Chicago Fire TV show, new network TV show based in Chicago, new tv show in Chicago, TV show filming in Chicago
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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