This from Matt Schumann:
Here are a few pictures from Saturday’s 2-11 for a fire in a restaurant at 3701 W. 95th St.No visible flame for most of the fire and the fire picked up as time went on. Fire went to a defensive attack with 3 elevated streams in use. (Evergreen Park, Chicago Ridge and North Palos FPD).Regards,Matt Schumann

Matt Schumann photo

Matt Schumann photo

Matt Schumann photo

Matt Schumann photo

Matt Schumann photo

Matt Schumann photo
more photos HERE
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#1 by Eric Haak on October 2, 2016 - 3:33 PM
Hook-n-ladder definitely goes back to the horse drawn days and has nothing to do with a tiller. And as long as we are calling names, let’s have a short lesson on the difference between “their” and “there”. Even a smoke reading school drop-out knows the difference mang.
#2 by karl on October 2, 2016 - 1:59 PM
Thefiremang…..I do believe you are incorrect in your belief to the term “hook & ladder” as being a tiller. The term goes back to horse drawn apparatus and the “hook & ladder co” carried an assortment of hooks and ladders, with the hooks being used to pull buildings down in an effort to stop the spread of fire. Has nothing to do with tillers.
#3 by thefiremang on September 29, 2016 - 7:46 PM
A hook n ladder is a tillered aerial truck, Chicago started that crap by calling there rear mounts hook n ladders and now you (edited by admin) are calling rear mounts hook n ladders get real
#4 by Brian on September 25, 2016 - 7:11 PM
The snorkel is not an E-One
#5 by harry on September 25, 2016 - 6:30 PM
all 3 of the master streams are eone trucks
#6 by firedawg on September 25, 2016 - 4:26 PM
Since when did a rear mount ladder truck become a hook n ladder Oh im sorry Evergreen Park the Chicago west fire department
#7 by KARL on September 26, 2016 - 7:40 AM
Please inform us as to what a you believe a “hook and ladder” is then.
#8 by Mike on September 25, 2016 - 4:11 PM
I like the idea of not have a waterway on the main ladder. It reduces costs to build it and maintain it and there is the risk of damaging it. This is old school but it works and works well.
#9 by Rusty on September 25, 2016 - 2:44 PM
Now thats old school. The hose line going up the main ladder on Evergreen Park Hook and Ladder 44.