This from Danny Nelms:
These pictures came from the Interstate Emergency Vehicles Inc Facebook page showing progress on the Frankfort Fire Protection District new 55-foot Snorkel which is set to be on display at the FDIC conference in Indianapolis in April. All photo progress was between March 9th and March 20th
Danny Nelms

LTC photo

LTC photo

LTC photo

LTC photo

LTC photo
#1 by Inside Lincolnway on March 26, 2016 - 7:03 PM
Ok, a lot of speculation about FFD & the New Snorkel. Station 71will run the Snorkel with 3 & the BC, Station 72 runs with 4, using 2008 75′ quint & the Ambulance. There is talk about the 107′ Ascendant as its replacement but that’s probably next year. Station 73 runs with 3 currently using the 2009 PUC as the 2008 Pierce was just sold. The 2006 US Tanker is also for sale & the replacement has not been chosen yet. It should be similar to Peotone’s new US Pump Tanker or something like Beecher’s Pierce. Station 74 runs with 3 using 2014 Pierce & Ambulance. Station 75 runs with 3 using 2009 Pierce & the Ambulance. Once the new Pump Tanker arrives the 2009 PUC will move to Station 75 & the current Engine 75 will become the spare. That’s the current info we been hearing.
#2 by Brian on March 26, 2016 - 5:11 PM
Will Frankfort keep Truck 2 (the 75′)?
#3 by Michael M on March 26, 2016 - 4:42 PM
Which station has the 2009 PUC? Station 3? Also any ideas what it will look like once the Snorkel and 107ft Ladder are in service? The Snorkel runs out of Station 1. Will the 107Ft ladder run out of Station 5? The pumper tanker will likely run out of station 3.
#4 by Brian on March 26, 2016 - 3:14 PM
Sebastian, I misread your response to me BUT you also misread my comment. I was NOT saying that CFD should buy the Frankfort Snorkel, FD Insider made that comment and I was responding to that.
#5 by Sebastian on March 26, 2016 - 11:33 AM
Brian… I am not stupid!!! I know the city has 2 pc squads! I don’t know why you would even think of the city of buying someone elses brand new rig? If that happened would you expect frankfort to go order another one after that? The thought doesn’t make sense!
#6 by Brian on March 25, 2016 - 10:59 PM
Sebastian, you are aware that the CFD squads have a snorkel piece right? Those rigs for cfd are in tough shape.
#7 by Sebastian on March 25, 2016 - 8:04 PM
Why would chicago even consider buying this from frankfurt to behin with???
#8 by Brian on March 25, 2016 - 4:58 PM
FD Insider, the fact that this truck will have a pump and tank throws the chance of Chicago buying this off Frankfort’s hands pretty much to the curb.
#9 by Steve on March 25, 2016 - 2:08 PM
Stopped in Frankfort the other day to try and get some pics before some apparatus is sold off. Crew on duty stated that the only reason they are getting the Snorkel is because the current DC wants one. Was a fire buff like myself and just wants one. In the grand scheme of things, currently the tower runs from their station 1 as a true truck and has no tank or pump. The idea is to give their station one an apparatus that can pump water vs a traditional truck company. The only thing “Maintenance Wise” on the truck is that they are going through tires left and right due to the sharp turn out on to the street as they chase the ambulances around. Other than tires, the guys in the house said there was zero issues with it. Also, in house, guys are worried about setbacks and roof operations on the larger homes within the district. They’ve been told to back the squad up to the house if needed, which further places the crew in a collapse zone. Wasn’t many happy faces last week.
So if you’re in the market for a tower, it’s a great grab for pennies on the dollar for what they paid.
Pingback: Smeal/Ladder Tower Co building first 55′ Snorkel (more) |
#10 by Mike L on March 24, 2016 - 7:26 PM
Frankfort eliminated their Contract Medic and Part Time firefighter programs which cut them way down in manpower. Only career folks now but they didn’t add to replace the spots lost from the contract and PT being gone. I believe it is 3 at Sta 1 plus the BC, 4 at Sta 2 and 3 each at Sta 3,4 & 5. Maybe only 2 at Sta 3 and 4.
#11 by MABAS 21 on March 24, 2016 - 5:17 PM
What happened to Frankfort’s manning?
#12 by FD insider on March 24, 2016 - 2:40 PM
Interesting to see if they take delivery as there is a rumor Chicago might try to buy it as there snorkels are in rough shape
Frankfort has a Pumper/Tanker on order along with a Pierce 107 FT. Truck
#13 by Brian on March 24, 2016 - 2:04 PM
Manpower is a HUGE reason why I made the comment below about seeing more of these engine/snorkels in chicagoland (specifically south and southwest burbs).
#14 by Mike L on March 24, 2016 - 12:39 PM
There are a lot of property setbacks in Frankfort which the Tower had to stretch to reach if it could even reach from the street. With the small size of the snorkel, they will be able to put it in a driveway or (GASP!) the lawn if need be. It will actually improve their capabilities. Plus, the Tower does not have a pump (which normally, IMO, is a good thing) so with their now limited manpower, it’s a liability to not have an engine manned alongside it at whichever house it is at.
#15 by The DH on March 24, 2016 - 12:37 PM
Sebastian, if you have been following the threads of comments on the snorkel, you would know that the tower wasn’t fine, it was apparently a maintenance nightmare. Frankfort Fire is doing what is best for their district, I am sure. If you want to know for sure why they are selling the TL and buying a snorkel, go speak with the Chief or some members there and I am sure they would be more than happy to enlighten you…then enlighten all of us
#16 by Brian on March 24, 2016 - 12:13 PM
Every department has their own reasons. The snorkel most likely is NOT replacing the tower as they also have a stick (although only a 75′). The snorkel I believe will be more of an engine with a snorkel that can be used as a elevated master stream when needed.
Not sure what Frankfort’s auto-aid looks like but they are surrounded on three sides by Towers (New Lenox, Tinley Park and Matteson) which if called for could bring in an a/a tower if the call or area requires it.
#17 by Sebastian on March 24, 2016 - 3:54 AM
Still don’t get why they are going from a perfectly fine 100 ft tower to a 55 ft snorkle??
#18 by Brian on March 23, 2016 - 10:53 PM
Something tells me this will be the first of many snorkels returning to operate in chicagoland in the very near future
#19 by Brian on March 23, 2016 - 10:52 PM
Hey i was close!!
#20 by Eugene Beard on March 23, 2016 - 7:28 PM
$699,875 per January 19, 2016 Board of Trustees minutes
#21 by Brian on March 23, 2016 - 8:39 AM
Completely uneducated or no knowledge guess but I’m going to say before someone posts the facts….around $650k
#22 by Mike on March 22, 2016 - 8:19 PM
Any idea what the final cost is on this?