Here is the first of what will be several posts on the separate 2-11 and 3-11 alarm fires in Chicago’s 11th Battalion today, 10/20/15.
Chicago firefighters responded for reports of smoke just before 4AM to Harry’s Lumber at 6220 N. Northwest Highway, the site of a previous 5-11 Alarm fire in 1990. Companies found a fire in the warehouse building and upgraded to a Still & Box Alarm and then a 2-11 Alarm fire. Hand lines were used and the MVU 9-2-3 was put to work though lines were never charged to either tower ladder. The Alarm was struck out shortly before 5:30AM.
At roughly 6:50AM companies still on the scene asked for a Full Still and RIT response back to the scene. Within minutes it was upgraded to a Still & Box Alarm and then a 2-11 Alarm with instructions for elevated master streams.
#1 by Chuck on October 21, 2015 - 12:21 AM
So SOMEBODY (no doubt in a hurry to avoid scads of overtime,) hurries up and strikes out the extra alarm in order to get companies home and relieved so that Hey! Whatta you know? We didn’t put it out! Strike all those alarms again and send all those FRESHLY RELIEVED companies BACK to the scene so we can try to put it out right the second time!!
Pingback: Chicago 2-11 and then 3-11 Alarm fires, 10-20-15 (part 3) |
Pingback: Chicago 2-11 and then 3-11 Alarm fires, 10-20-15 (part 2) |